The Commercial Appeal

The post office lost all of my thank-you notes


Dear Miss Manners: I regret to inform you that I am one of those persons you have repeatedly chastised for failing to ensure that generous giftgivers receive personal thank-yous – only, please, let me explain!

I graduated this past May and received a number of congratula­tory gifts, mostly checks, from relatives. I kept a list of who had sent what, so I could send out appropriat­e thank-you cards. I then composed said cards and drove to the post office to send off a whole bundle.

However, several months later, my grandmothe­r informed me that her sister was irate at not having heard from me, and that several other relatives had asked if their presents had been received and/or used. It appears that the entire stack of thank-yous was somehow misplaced in the mail – and of course, now I do not accurately remember who sent what.

I feel terrible. My relatives must now think me ungrateful and ungracious, and I do not know what I should do. If I send off new notes, will relatives think I carelessly delayed my thank-yous? Is it possible that those relatives who have not voiced their displeasur­e did receive their notes? Or should I not mention the lost notes at all, because relatives will not like to hear excuses?

Gentle Reader: No one likes to hear excuses, but if one must, Miss Manners would prefer a more plausible one. One letter being lost, maybe; a bundle of them? Not too believable.

You can get copies of those checks from your bank. And if you kept a list of objects, even if you threw it away, surely you could remember some?

But you do not need to convince Miss Manners if you can convince a parent to contact relatives and say, “I saw Trevor writing to you; he was so grateful, and now he is so distressed that you never received his letter.”

Failing that, just write, “I am devastated that somehow you never heard how grateful I am …”

Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, www.missmanner­; to her email, dearmissma­; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews Mcmeel Syndicatio­n, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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