The Commercial Appeal

Get rehired after you quit


By Nicole Cavazos Ziprecruit­

If you’ve realized that quitting your last job was a mistake and you want to get rehired, all is not lost. You can redeem yourself with your ex-boss as long as you left on reasonably good terms. And even if you didn’t, you still might have a chance.

Here are five steps to make amends.

1. Know where you stand

The No. 1 rule for your career is to avoid burning bridges. Your reputation is your most valuable asset.

Before you approach your former boss about rehiring, find out where you stand and what to expect. Check with human resources to make sure your old position is still available. Reach out to friends or connection­s from your former job to learn your standing at the company.

2. Realize what went wrong

Making mistakes every now and then is OK, as long as you’re able to learn from them and take responsibi­lity for your decisions.

When you ask for your old job back, your former supervisor will want an explanatio­n, so be prepared to give one.

Take some time to reflect on the reasons you left your previous job. Identify where you went wrong. Figure out how the experience made you more appreciati­ve of your old job. Determine why you want to return to it now.

3. Prepare your explanatio­n

Your former supervisor may have no idea why you left. And they will certainly ask why you think they should bring you back.

Your response should be neither arrogant nor groveling. Your goal is to be remorseful while maintainin­g a level of self-respect.

Explain that you understand their hesitancy in bringing you back, but you want a second chance and a fresh start. Demonstrat­e that if they rehire you, you’re willing to work harder than ever to prove your commitment to the company.

Be as genuine as possible and give plenty of concrete examples to support your case.

4. Make your case

Once you’ve decided to ask to come back, request a meeting with your former supervisor. Without going into too many details, just state that your new position is not working out, and you’d love to talk about returning to your former position if that’s something they’d be interested in.

Emailing, rather than calling, avoids a knee-jerk response from your ex-manager and gives them a chance to pull their thoughts together before responding.

5. Ask for a fresh start

If you can’t get rehired in your old job, but you haven’t damaged your reputation at the company, consider applying for a job at a higher level — especially if you’ve been away for a while and have gained new skills.

The company can more easily justify hiring you back after you’ve gained new experience, rather than rehiring you because you made a mistake. Remember, even if the new job involves a different supervisor, reach out to your former boss and try to make amends. Their assessment of you can play a big part in whether or not you get a chance to start again at the company.


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