The Commercial Appeal

Bible condemns use of mind-altering substances


Q: During the recent pandemic it’s been disturbing to learn that many places of business considered nonessenti­al were closed but liquor stores were considered essential businesses. Does the Bible say anything about this? — A.W.

A: People justify the use of alcohol claiming they have perfect self-control. But often social drinking becomes habit, particular­ly when suddenly faced with anxiety or disappoint­ment. Reaching for a drink tricks people into thinking they can forget their problems.

For those who believe they can get by with an occasional drink, their example may still lead others to habits that they don’t have the will power to break. For those who encourage others in anything which brings about their downfall, they are guilty. Alcohol is the cause of many accidents. Innocent people are often killed by people “under the influence” while they walk away. Alcohol causes reactions to be slow. Killing others on the highway is still murder and they are guilty in the sight of God.

We must treat our bodies with respect. The Bible condemns the use of any substance which alters or distorts our thinking, including alcohol, which was the most common drug in ancient times. “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise” (Proverbs 20:1). In Christ alone there is freedom from the sordid habits which destroy people.

This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.

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