The Commercial Appeal

Lane College temporaril­y stops in-person class

18 students test positive for coronaviru­s

- Lasherica Thornton

JACKSON, Tenn. – Lane College closed its residence halls, stopped inperson classes and converted to virtual learning until Sept. 21 because 18 students tested positive for the coronaviru­s, causing those in contact to also have to quarantine for 14 days.

The Friday announceme­nt said the college does not have enough space to quarantine everyone who may have been in contact with the students who tested positive. The 18 positive cases or students unable to return home may quarantine on campus in the residence halls.

Lane College President Logan Hampton reiterated that the 18 positive cases were not the problem; the challenge was trying to quarantine all the people the 18 students had been in contact with.

The number of positives – not quite 2% of the nearly 1,100 students – isn't an outbreak, he said.

The decision to close the residence halls and cease in-person was “out of an abundance of caution and to prevent a widespread outbreak,” according to the announceme­nt and to Hampton.

The college started classes on Aug. 3 under a hybrid model, where classes are in part online and in part face-toface.

This summer, Hampton said doing the hybrid option provided a healthy, safe, supportive campus for its students who will practice personal responsibi­lity.

The school developed protocols, such as: h Cleaning facilities twice a day h The administra­tive and nursing office having personal protective equipment (PPE) for faculty and staff, masks, sanitizers and other equipment

h In classes, professors being 10 feet away from students with students being six feet from each other

h Students having the option to either be in the classroom or do online h Restricted campus access h Students and visitors – vendors, contractor­s, guests – wearing a mask, washing their hands, social distancing and self checking before they're able to leave their dorms or conduct business on campus

h Many residentia­l students being in single-occupancy dorms.

h Residence halls having thermal checks

h Quarantine rooms if a person is either diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspects he or she was in contact with someone with COVID-19

h Meals being delivered to the student in the quarantine­d area.

Before students return on Sept. 21, Lane will announce COVID-19 procedures going forward.

Lasherica Thornton is The Jackson Sun's education reporter. Reach her by email at

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