The Commercial Appeal

DOJ push in Trump case could produce dismissal

- Eric Tucker

WASHINGTON – Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday defended the Justice Department’s move to intervene in a defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump, even as experts were skeptical of the federal government’s effort to protect the president in a seemingly private dispute.

The Justice Department’s action is “a normal applicatio­n of the law. The law is clear. It is done frequently,” Barr said.

He added, “The little tempest that is going on is largely because of the bizarre political environmen­t in which we live.”

But experts said it’s far from clear that the conduct at issue – whether Trump defamed E. Jean Carroll, a writer who accused him of raping her at a New York luxury department store in the 1990s – has anything to do with his White House duties.

Administra­tion lawyers have a tough task at hand trying to argue that the president was acting in his official capacity when he denied Carroll’s allegation­s last year, experts say.

“I wouldn’t make such an argument, and if a president approached me, I would say, ‘Don’t,’ ” said Stuart Gerson, who led the Justice Department’s Civil Division in President George H.W. Bush’s administra­tion when Barr was attorney general for the first time.

“The president gets sued all the time and is defended by the federal government,” Gerson added, “but those are for lawsuits that have to do with actions in his official capacity as the president. This isn’t anything like that.”

. The move, if allowed, could put the American people on the hook for any money Carroll might be awarded.

But it could also open the door to the case being thrown out, since federal courts have not historical­ly permitted defamation claims against federal employees acting in their official capacity.

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