The Commercial Appeal

President Donald Trump said Monday he will announce his Supreme Court pick at the end of this week.

- David Jackson

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Monday that he will announce his Supreme Court pick at the end of this week because he wants to wait until after events take place for the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“I will announce it either Friday or Saturday, and then the work begins,” Trump said during an interview on the morning show “Fox & Friends.”

Trump also said he wants to see a confirmation vote before the Nov. 3 election, telling Fox News that “we have a lot of time.”

The decision will likely trigger a political firestorm in the heat of Trump’s election battle with Democrat Joe Biden, and both parties have pledged to make the future of the high court a major campaign issue.

Trump said he is considerin­g four or five women for the high court slot, but aides and advisers have said that two top the list: appeals court Judges Amy Coney Barrett and Barbara Lagoa.

Asked specifically about Lagoa, Trump said that “she’s excellent. She’s Hispanic . ... I don’t know her. Florida; we love Florida. So, she’s got a lot of things. Very smart.”

Trump made an apparent reference to Barrett by citing her home state of Indiana, which he said is “represente­d very well” in the selection process.

Senate Democrats have said they will try to block the nominee, arguing that the winner of the upcoming November election should have the right to make the lifetime appointmen­t – an argument Republican­s used when a high court vacancy happened nearly nine months before the 2016 presidenti­al election.

It’s uncertain whether Senate Republican leaders have enough votes to move forward with any nomination.

In addition to Barrett and Lagoa, aides said other possibilit­ies include Allison Rushing, a North Carolina-based judge on the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, and Kate Todd, who works in the White House counsel’s office.

Trump told Fox he is also considerin­g “a great one from Michigan,” apparently a reference to appeals court Judge Joan Larsen.

The president said the Supreme Court issue would be good for Republican senators facing tough reelection battles.

Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska have said there should not be a Supreme Court nomination vote in the middle of an election.

There will be memorials and services for Ginsburg early in the week, delaying Trump’s announceme­nt of a nominee.

Trump and some Republican­s see the opening as a historic opportunit­y for conservati­ves to consolidat­e control of the Supreme Court. There are currently five conservati­ves on the nine-member court.

If Republican­s follow through, Democrats have vowed retaliatio­n should they win control of the Senate in the November elections. Some lawmakers have talked about increasing the size of the Supreme Court and ending the right of the minority to filibuster legislatio­n. If there were more seats on the court, a future Democratic president could potentiall­y have a chance to tilt the court back in a more liberal direction.

 ?? COLLECTION OF THE SUPREME COURT/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? A chair on the bench of the Supreme Court is draped to signify the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
COLLECTION OF THE SUPREME COURT/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES A chair on the bench of the Supreme Court is draped to signify the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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