The Commercial Appeal



Wonder why you can’t find Fresca or Cherry Coke in a can? It’s not because Coca-cola is having issues making the products, it’s because there is a shortage of aluminum to make the cans.

Now, more than six months since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, grocery stores nationwide are still dealing with shortages and unavailabi­lity of some products.

In March, customers rushed to stock their pantries, loading up on paper products, canned goods and cleaning supplies. As restaurant­s closed dining rooms, more people than ever before began cooking at home. Supply could not keep with the sudden increased demand.

We checked in with two locally owned and operated grocery stores — Cash Saver and Cordelia’s Market — to see what is going on in Memphis stores today.

Shortages from suppliers

On a delivery last week to the Midtown Cash Saver on Madison Avenue, only 1,712 of the 2,638 cases of products ordered actually arrived.

“That’s only 65% of what we needed,” said Rick James, owner of the Cash Saver chain and

Highpoint Grocery. “On that list, 35% were listed as unavailabl­e from the manufactur­er right now. 11% of those items were listed as ‘long term unavailabl­e,’ meaning we may not be able to get those products until 2021.”

PRE-COVID-19, Cash Saver was used to having a 98% fulfillment rate on orders.

James said the delivery is irregular from store to store. On a recent day, the Third Street store had a fully stocked paper goods aisle, but the Madison Avenue store had a 20-foot gap on the same aisle.

“The supply is so fragmented,” said James, pointing out that availabili­ty is based solely on when the order was placed.

Cordelia’s Market is experienci­ng similar shortages. General manager Erica Humphreys said she is grateful the store has multiple suppliers, many of which are local.

When they couldn’t get name brands like Campbell’s soups, the market started stocking more of the Wolfgang Puck soups from its natural foods supplier instead. Staff also started explaining to customers how to make bases like cream of chicken soup from scratch.

“We had to get creative and show customers that they still had options even though their regular product may be out,” Humphreys said.

Cordelia’s Market also used the shortages as an opportunit­y to promote local brands.

“For awhile, Marmilu Farms was the only place we could get eggs and bacon. Having them be the only option on the shelf exposed them to new customers and gave them a chance to be seen,” Humphreys said.

When Stouffer’s frozen lasagna wasn’t available, Memphis-based Franco’s Italy started making a frozen lasagna for the store. Owner Franco Contaldo also started making frozen take-and-bake pizzas when frozen pizzas became scarce.

Humphreys said she has found many customers are now turning to local products rather

Jennifer Chandler

than going back to national brands.

The packaging dilemma

According to James, packaging is the most recent issue impacting the grocery industry.

James said about six weeks ago, he was alerted to the change in Coke’s canned products, with the company focusing on canning only its top sellers. Mccormick has also sent out a notice that while it may have plenty of spices on hand, it is having trouble sourcing packaging.

Cash Saver is known for its beer selection, and James is noticing that industry being affected as well. When Yuengling released its newest beer, it did so only in bottles.

Even a store’s in-house packaging is being impacted. “In the meat department, we used to have certain colors of foam trays for certain cuts … like black for Angus beef,” said James. “Now we can’t pick the color when we order.”

And wondering why you still can’t find Clorox Wipes? It is not because of shortage of the cleaner, but because there is a shortage of the material used for the wipes.

Shopping habits are changing

Both grocers said they are seeing customers shopping fewer times in a week, but purchasing more at each visit.

James said on an Aug. 28 report from FMS, an independen­t national retailer accounting and consulting firm, sales were up 9.7% in the grocery sector nationally, but that customer transactio­ns were down 13.2%.

He said he thinks his customers are planning more than in the past.

Cash Saver has also seen a significant

increase in the use of its grocery delivery service. "We have seven times the number of customers shopping online than we did before the pandemic. 55% of those were first-time users and 98% became second-time users."

Humphreys said while Cordelia’s is a small neighborho­od market, it is trying to transition to be the primary store for its customers. “I am asking my customers if you still have to go to Whole Foods for a product, what is it and we will see if we can get it for you.”

When James reopened Highpoint

Grocery last month, he expressed the same sentiment about that store, which was primarily used as a supplement rather than a primary store.

A lot of considerat­ion went into the products offered at Highpoint Grocery, James said in an August interview about the new store. “We wanted to get as much variety as possible in this small footprint.”

Both retailers expressed how grateful they are to their customers and staff.

“Our customers have been very understand­ing,” said Humphreys. “I think it is because we are talking to and listening to them.”

James added he is grateful Cash Saver’s customers are being understand­ing about the shortages and safety protocols like masks. “Our employees have been at the forefront through all this. I am proud as heck of this.”

Jennifer Chandler is the Food & Dining reporter at The Commercial Appeal. She can be reached at jennifer.chandler@commercial­ and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @cookwjenni­fer.

 ?? GERSH / THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MAX ?? Rick James, owner and CEO of Cash Saver, says some cleaning supplies are still hard to keep in stock. Photograph­ed Monday, Sept. 14 at Cash Saver in Memphis.
GERSH / THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MAX Rick James, owner and CEO of Cash Saver, says some cleaning supplies are still hard to keep in stock. Photograph­ed Monday, Sept. 14 at Cash Saver in Memphis.
 ?? CORDELIA’S MARKET ?? Cordelia’s Market in Harbor Town in Downtown Memphis.
CORDELIA’S MARKET Cordelia’s Market in Harbor Town in Downtown Memphis.
 ?? MAX GERSH / THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL ?? Low stock on certain cleaning supplies leaves holes in product on the shelves Monday, Sept. 14, at Cash Saver in Memphis.
MAX GERSH / THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL Low stock on certain cleaning supplies leaves holes in product on the shelves Monday, Sept. 14, at Cash Saver in Memphis.

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