The Commercial Appeal

How to Stall a Job Offer

What to Do When Your First Job Offer Isn’t Your First Choice

- By Ziprecruit­

You’re in the process of interviewi­ng for jobs at several different places. You haven’t received an offer from your top choice, but you get one from another company. Should you jeopardize your chances of a sure thing for the uncertain possibilit­y of working at your dream job? Well, if you handle it with finesse, there is usually a way to stall a job offer without damaging your reputation or the opportunit­y.

This is a nice problem to have…but it’s still a problem. Your next move will depend on many different factors, such as how badly you need a job and how strong your chances are of receiving an offer from the other company. Here are some tips on how to delay your answer without burning any bridges.

Show Gratitude

Share your appreciati­on for the time and resources they have spent on you.

Make it clear that you’re appreciati­ve of the job offer. If it seems you’re balking or lukewarm, they’ll start to reconsider and feel less charitable about giving you extra time. Say something like, “I’m very excited about the offer, but need a little time to make an informed decision.” Give them a specific date by which you’ll respond (if you can, find out timing from the offer you’re waiting on) but always be cognizant of their time restraints.

Figure Out What’s Missing

Assess why you don’t want this role and what might make it more desirable.

If this were your dream job, you’d have probably said, “yes” right away. Clearly, there are some things about the job that are missing. Identify those missing elements and determine if they’re non-negotiable. Is it possible to add them to the current offer? Are they even realistic?

Think about whether there are unanswered questions that could help you decide. Consider all of the components that make up the job offer: salary, hours, job responsibi­lities, potential for career advancemen­t, benefits. Don’t forget the quality of life questions such as flexibilit­y, workplace culture, commute times, etc.

Getting clarificat­ion on the details will not only make it easier to decide, it can also buy you some time.

Be Honest

Tell them you want to make sure you have a full sense of your options.

In a previous blog post on negotiatin­g job offers, we pointed out that being in this position could actually be a benefit. The employer might ask your reasons for needing extra time. There’s nothing that says you need to only consider one company at a time and it is a completely legitimate excuse to say that you are still meeting with other companies. But the way you deliver your answer can greatly influence the outcome.

Do not make it seem like the employer is your fall back choice, even if they are. Let them know that you’re in the midst of a process that you need to see through and want to carefully examine and compare all offers before making a decision.

This doesn’t necessaril­y mean that a company will give you all the time you need. Your responsibi­lity is to try and expedite things by scheduling interviews as close together as possible and understand­ing the pros and cons of each company before you get an offer. If you’re gracious and diplomatic, it might work in your favor by making you seem like a more desirable candidate.

Be Proactive

Sometimes you can use multiple offers to your advantage, especially when a little gentle, diplomatic pressure is required. If you really want to work for Company A, but Company B has already made an offer, you can use this to your advantage. Tell your top choice that Company B needs an answer from you, but you’d much prefer to work for them. Ask if there is anything you can do to help speed up the process. If they say no, it’s possible that you weren’t a legitimate contender to begin with.

Don’t Lead Anyone On

Be upfront about your intentions and make room for other candidates.

Always be respectful of a company’s time and considerat­ion. Don’t leave them on the hook if you really can’t picture yourself working there. Unless you’re in dire straits financiall­y, your reason for accepting an offer should not be, “because nothing else better came along.” When you do decide, always tell them verbally as well as in written form. Treat them with the same courtesy that you’d hope to receive from them.

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