The Commercial Appeal

Colin Powell and I were once Black Republican­s. He taught me to put country over party.

- Your Turn Njeri Mathis Rutledge Guest columnist

A patriot died Monday. A man who proudly said, “I’m an American, first and foremost,” lived a life of integrity that stayed true to his statement. Colin Powell, 84, was extraordin­ary because he did something that we should all expect. Powell put country ahead of politics.

With Powell’s death from COVID-19 complicati­ons amid his battle with cancer comes the loss of an important voice of reason for the Republican Party. His death is a loss to the country and the Black community. Powell was a trailblaze­r. He was the first Black secretary of state as well as the youngest chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, under former President George H.W. Bush, and the first Black national security adviser under former President Ronald Reagan. He was a retired four-star general. Even when the Black community didn’t agree with Powell, he was respected.

Although Powell eventually renounced the Republican Party, at one time he was a very loyal member. Today the term Black Republican might seem like an oxymoron for some, but Powell was significant in reminding the country that Black Americans are not monolithic in our thinking. He followed his conscience instead of his ambitions. Despite Powell’s commitment to the Republican Party, he exercised independen­t judgment when he saw the party heading in a dangerous direction. Interestin­gly, Powell’s wake-up call came the same time as my own.

Over a decade ago, I viewed myself as Republican-leaning. In Texas, state judges are elected, so at the beginning of my career all of the Black judges were also Black Republican­s. During that time, the agenda and rhetoric of the Republican Party was more palatable. Besides, in Texas, many tried to conflate the Republican Party and Christian faith in an unholy union.

I have voted in Republican primaries and attended Republican events. From my perspectiv­e, there was always a current of racism in the party, but it did not define the party. Rather, the party was defined by conservati­ve principles like fiscal responsibi­lity, limited government and values. The idea of a political party embracing Christian values appealed to a young girl who grew up in the buckle of the Bible belt of Nashville. I have always been moderate. I still am. My decision to turn away from the Republican Party and not look back happened around the same time as Powell’s decision to endorse then-sen. Barack Obama for president.

In 2008, Republican presidenti­al candidate Sen. John Mccain chose Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. Fairly soon after the announceme­nts, I heard the racist dog whistles. One that I remember in particular was Palin’s accusation that Obama was “palling around with terrorists.” I was incensed. At the time, my husband and I were both undecided. That one polarizing comment was significant because it signaled that it was more important to energize the part of the party that had been lurking in the shadows. Of course, most people committed to the Republican Party are not racist; however, the elevation of racists and narrow-minded ideas sent a clear message that it was time for me to head to the door.

Powell took a stand. On Oct. 19, 2008, Powell announced on “Meet the Press” that he would be voting for Barack Obama. While most people focused on the endorsemen­t, his remarks about the direction the party was going in was nothing short of prophetic. Powell expressed concerns about the approach of the Republican Party “becom(ing) narrower and narrower” and the divisive campaignin­g that tried to casts Obama as a Muslim with connection­s to terrorism.

As Powell explained, the problem was not just that the claim was false, but the suggestion that there was something wrong with being a Muslim. “The really right answer is, what if he is?” Powell said. “Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer’s no, that’s not America.”

The 2008 election was not the only time Powell put the country ahead of politics. Powell would go on to back Obama a second time and President Joe Biden. In 2013, Powell continued to call out the party for its “dark vein of intoleranc­e.” He was vocal in his disgust over the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on and announced that he would no longer consider himself a Republican.

Sometimes being truly committed to something means having the courage to speak out. At a time when we’ve witnessed Republican politician­s criticize Donald Trump before he became president and then change course to become part of his fan club, Powell’s integrity was extraordin­ary. He truly put his loyalty to our republic ahead of his loyalty of party. May his recent passing remind us of that courage and inspire us all to do the same so we can fulfill the aspiration of being Americans first.

Njeri Mathis Rutledge, a professor of law at South Texas College of Law Houston and a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributo­rs, is a former prosecutin­g attorney, a wife and a mother. She graduated from Spelman College and Harvard Law School. Follow her on Twitter: @Njerirutle­dge

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