The Commercial Appeal

Fertile ground for spooky tales

Autauga’s Bear Creek Swamp is long-known for ghostly legends

- Marty Roney

Mysterious booms. Floating orbs of light. Ghostly apparition­s of long-ago warriors. A distraught phantom mother wandering the mist-covered realm in search of her missing child.

It’s all in a day’s, or night’s, work for Autauga County’s Bear Creek Swamp. Located between Prattville and Autaugavil­le, the bog is bisected by Highway 14, the county’s main east-west corridor. The wetland has long been the source of legends of haints, spirits and otherworld­ly goings on.

Generation­s of local teens have tested their mettle by attempting to spend a night in the swamp. Few, even among the most intrepid, have made it until daybreak.

“Nope. Nope. Nope,” Kayleigh Hall of Prattville said recently when asked if she would like to return to her teenage roots and explore the swamp. She’s 34 now.

“I went out there with a bunch of friends when I was like 16,” she said. “We called out for the woman looking for her baby, the three times like we were supposed to. It was quiet and then we heard loud splash and a scream. I jumped in my car and took off. I’ve never been back.

“I don’t even like driving to Autaugavil­le because you have to go through the swamp.”

The story goes that this woman has been destined to roam the swamp looking for her lost child. Versions vary, but one story goes that the child drowned. Another is that the aforementi­oned warriors made off with the child. It’s unknown if it was a boy of girl.

But what is known is this: If you go to the swamp in the dead of night and repeat, “I have your baby,” three times in succession, the wraith-woman will attack you.

Noises. Sights. Smells.

Some of the reports from the swamp can be explained easily enough. Reports of booms, for instance, have gone back decades. Many of the less spectrally inclined in the 1980s and back just chalked it up to moonshine stills going off. Now it’s likely meth labs, the nonbelieve­rs say.

Or it could be as simple as landowners blowing beaver damns. The source of the splashes that play a role in so many reports are just as likely to be beavers, whacking their flat tails on the water as a way to express alarm.

But logic has never taken root in the tales of the swamp. County Road 3 runs straight as an arrow shot through a portion of the quag. Some say, if you stop in the middle of the road and turn off the vehicle and wait, you can see lights begin to flicker far out in the marsh. Wait even longer, and the orbs begin to come toward you.

Many a teen has reported a mysterious­ly dead battery or other difficulty in starting the motor in the effort to hightail it out of there. The car always turns over, the engine always catches at the last second, giving the potential victims a chance to escape.

Long before white settlers made it here, even before the Creeks settled the land, the region was inhabited by the Alabamu, one of the oldest tribes in the area. It is their warriors that are said to walk the night, among the tendrils of fog.

A quick online search for haunted areas or paranormal activities will turn up dozens of hits with mentions of the swamp. Most give directions to the moorland — some even GPS coordinate­s — but they all come with a caveat, a warning.

Don’t go alone.

Scott Barnes is a native of Autauga County; grown, married with two young children of his own. He considers himself level-headed and not one to give credence to tall tales.

But he too spent time in the swamp as a youngster, daring his buddies to venture out past the bonfire’s ring of light. He hunts land that edges up to the swamp.

“It’s easy enough to brush it all off when it’s daylight and you’re in town,” he said. “But there are times when I’m out there hunting, walking to the stand early in the morning, out there in the dark, when you wonder.

“Let’s just say I’m glad to see the sun come up.”

Doll heads en masse

As if the tales and legends needed any help, a probable practical joke almost 10 years ago added another chapter to the swamp stories. In November of 2014 deputies with the Autauga County Sheriff’s Office recovered 21 dolls from the swamp. They were impaled on bamboo stakes and planted throughout the swamp where they were visible from dirt road 3.

Some of the doll heads were painted stark white. Needless to say, their presence created quite the commotion on social media. Sheriff Joe Sedinger was an investigat­or with the office then.

Someone decided it would be best to paddle out in a canoe and retrieve the dolls. No one ever took credit for placing the macabre mileposts.

They are still in the evidence room of the sheriff’s office, by the way.

The owners can come and claim them anytime, Sedinger said.

“All they have to do is tell us why they put them out there,” the sheriff said with a laugh.

Deputies on patrol often run across people in the area from time to time, he said. The business usually sees a spike around Halloween.

“We come across carloads of people, kids, some from Selma, Montgomery,” Sedinger said. “They are out there looking for the swamp ghosts.”

Contact Montgomery Advertiser reporter Marty Roney at

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