The Commercial Appeal

Don’t throw away your pumpkins! Composting event planned in Memphis

- Jennifer Chandler

Don’t throw away your old pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns. Compost them instead.

Atlas Organics is hosting a “Dump Your Pumpkin” event Saturday and Sunday in Memphis.

Drop off your pumpkins from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Urban Earth Gardens, Nursery & Market, 80 Flicker St., and Atlas Organics will handle the rest.

Why compost? More than 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins reach landfills every year, according to Atlas Organics. You can make a direct impact on local waste efforts by diverting your pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns and gourds from landfills and sending them to a composting facility.

Atlas Organics will provide organic waste recycling carts onsite for residents to dump their pumpkins, as well as informatio­n on the benefits of composting.

The pumpkins will be used as an ingredient in making nutrient rich compost at the Atlas Organics Memphis facility at 2389 Hennington Ave. The compost can be used for growing plants, vegetables and maintainin­g lawns.

Atlas Organics offers both commercial and residentia­l organic recycling services in Memphis. When the South Carolina-based company moved into the Memphis market, it took over the composting services offered by The Compost Fairy.

Compost House, Atlas Organics’ residentia­l service, offers more than 1,600 homes doorstep and drop-off composting service.

Atlas Organics has eight facilities operating in five states including Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

Jennifer Chandler is the Food & Dining reporter at The Commercial Appeal. She can be reached at jennifer.chandler@commercial­ and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @cookwjenni­fer.

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