The Commercial Appeal

Make Your Home an Energy Savings Center this Winter


In Memphis we are fortunate that winter is a short season. Even so, we still have a couple of months ahead when heating bills can spike and overall energy costs tend to be higher. Now, we hear the term “going green” a lot these days. But often it seems to be more diligently applied in the summer months when we are dependent on air-conditioni­ng.

After consulting a few articles and blogs, I came up with a hit list of tips that can save energy this winter. I’m all-in for saving energy and bucks, and I wanted to pass on this saving potential to you, too.

Turn off unused electronic­s: This one sounds so simple, yet we often don’t do it. Experts – not to mention your father – recommend turning off lights whenever you leave a room. And don’t forget to turn off your laptop at bedtime.

Use power strips: Did you know that leaving appliances plugged in uses energy? It’s true. So, when possible, plug as many electronic­s into power strips as you can. Then you can switch everything off just by hitting one button on the power strip. Trust me, you try this and you’ll actually like it.

Unplug chargers: Again, this shouldn’t be that hard. Even when a device is fully charged, it will still use energy from the outlet.

Invest in a power monitor: It will tell you how much energy you are using. If you know which items are the power-drainers, you’ll know how to make changes and save energy and money.

Use appliance programs: You know those self-regulation options on computers you never paid any attention? Time to start. Same with your heating and air-conditioni­ng. Many appliances come with power-saving settings. Again, it’s win-win with saving energy and money.

Use cold water in washing machines: Maybe Mama told you about this one. Hot water does not make the clothes cleaner. And a cold wash – that’s right – will save energy and money. Plus, using hot water you run the risk of running clothes by making colors run.

By the way, the more energy efficient you make your home the more attractive it will be if you decide to sell one day. It’s a great update that could move the needle with some buyers. Meantime, you might as well take advantage of the energy-saving benefits.

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