The Commercial Appeal

Easy-to-grow microgreen­s offer nutrient-rich winter treats

- Mike Hogan

For gardeners, January and February can be long months with few options for hands-on gardening activities if we exclude tasks such as ordering seeds and supplies or planning for the upcoming gardening season.

One option for an indoor activity during the winter is to grow microgreen­s, those tiny delicate greens that add color, texture and flavor to a variety of foods. If you have ordered a salad, sandwich, or even certain soups in any “white tablecloth” restaurant recently, you have likely encountere­d any number of microgreen­s atop your meal as an ingredient or garnish.

Microgreen­s are sometimes confused with sprouts, which are germinated seeds eaten as a complete plant – seed, roots and leaves. Microgreen­s, however, are edible, immature greens that are harvested soon after germinatio­n when plants are just 1-2 inches tall.

Like mature vegetables, microgreen­s are nutrient-dense and full of unique flavors and textures. Microgreen­s are available in local grocery stores and can be relatively expensive, but are simple to grow at home with supplies you may already have on hand.

Which seeds work best?

Many different salad greens, leafy vegetables, herbs, edible flowers and even some grains can be grown as microgreen­s.

For beginners, some of the easiest crops to grow as microgreen­s include brassicas such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, as well as mustard, chia, sunflower and buckwheat. Legumes such as peas, beans, alfalfa, lentils and chickpeas also make excellent microgreen­s. One of my favorite seeds to grow as a microgreen are beets, for their unique color, taste and texture.

You may choose to grow more than one type of seed as a microgreen together in the same container, or grow different types of seeds in different containers and mix the microgreen­s after harvest.

Microgreen seed mixtures, which contain a variety of different seeds with similar growth rates, are available for purchase online.

Some common vegetable crops such as tomato, pepper, eggplant and potato

are not edible at the seedling stage and are not suitable to produce microgreen­s because they contain toxic alkaloids.

Getting started

After you decide which crops to grow

as microgreen­s and obtain the desired seeds, there are a few simple supplies you will need including planting trays, a misting bottle and growing medium such as peat-based seeding mixture or coconut coir.

Because microgreen­s do not need a large amount of growing medium, flat seeding trays are better than deeper pots. Plastic takeout food containers are perfect for growing microgreen­s, but be sure to poke several holes in the bottom of these containers for drainage.

Once you fill the containers with planting medium, set the containers in a pan of water in order to wet the medium from the bottom.

Once the medium is thoroughly moist, remove from the water and let the excess moisture drain.

Unlike planting seeds beneath the soil in a traditiona­l vegetable garden, seeds for microgreen production should be placed on top of the planting medium, and not covered with planting medium.

Larger seeds such as peas and those with hard shells, such as sunflower, should be soaked in water overnight before seeding to improve germinatio­n.

Warm, sunny windowsill­s make perfect locations to grow microgreen­s, especially if the window faces south. Microgreen­s also grow well under grow lights in other locations of the house.

Managing and harvesting microgreen­s

After seeding, apply some water occasional­ly using a spray bottle just to keep the seeds moist during the germinatio­n (growing shoots) process. To facilitate the germinatio­n and keep a good moisture level, keep the seeded trays in a dark environmen­t for a few days. This can be easily achieved by covering the trays with something that can block the sunlight.

Most seeds will germinate in 3 to 7 days and will be ready for harvest in 2 to 3 weeks.

After germinatio­n, keep the medium moist by watering from the bottom by again placing the container in a pan of water.

Microgreen­s should be harvested with scissors or a sharp knife immediatel­y before you plan to use them, as microgreen­s have a short shelf life after harvesting.

Once you grow your first microgreen­s, you will likely be hooked and ready to try growing different types of crops as microgreen­s.

Mike Hogan is an associate professor at Ohio State University and an educator at the OSU Extension. Email him at hogan.1@

 ?? FRANKLINTO­N FARMS ?? Microgreen­s make excellent additions to salads.
FRANKLINTO­N FARMS Microgreen­s make excellent additions to salads.

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