The Commercial Appeal

The truth about COVID vaccines: Not perfect, but they’re saving many lives.

The goal of these vaccines is to prevent serious and deadly outcomes, not to prevent all cases of transmissi­on and infection.

- Your Turn Ezekiel Emanuel, Rick Bright, Michael Osterholm and Luciana Borio Guest columnists

Americans’ opinions about the COVID-19 vaccines are largely wrong.

We persist in thinking they should prevent all SARS-COV-2 infections, but given the biology of the virus and the way our immune systems respond to either infection or vaccinatio­n, that does not happen.

As with other vaccines, the goal is to prevent serious and deadly outcomes, not to prevent all cases of transmissi­on and infection.

By acknowledg­ing this reality, we will be able to better target vaccines – and other COVID interventi­ons – to help us transition from pandemic to endemic infections, and what we should think of as co-existing with the virus.

COVID is fundamenta­lly different from many other infectious diseases for which we have effective vaccines. Like SARS-COV-2, measles is a virus that is transmitte­d largely through the air but is even more contagious than COVID-19 and also deadly.

Before the measles vaccine was invented, about 2.6 million people, mostly children, died per year from measles-related pneumonia, brain infections and other complicati­ons. The measles vaccine blocks almost all infections and reduces deaths by 95%. As with COVID, it is largely the unvaccinat­ed who die of measles.

Why can the measles vaccine eliminate infections but the COVID vaccine can’t? Because it is a race between the memory immune response and the incubation period (the time it takes for a person to develop symptoms after they are exposed to the virus).

The longer the incubation period, the more time the memory immune cells have to rev up and produce antibodies against the virus. It can take up to five days for those memory immune cells to kick in.

Measles has an incubation period of 10 to 14 days. In that race between the immune system and the virus, the immune system wins.

But the median incubation period for COVID-19 appears to be less than three days. Thus, current COVID vaccines cannot prevent the SARS-COV-2 virus from taking hold and causing infection.

Furthermor­e, the strategies that worked to defeat smallpox and control Ebola – like “ring vaccinatio­n,” which targets vaccinatio­n at concentric circles of susceptibl­e persons around a case – will not work against COVID-19. The incubation times for smallpox and Ebola are longer and almost everyone infected with these viruses has symptoms recognizab­le even to the layperson.

Unless we boost people every four to six months, even vaccinated people can get infected with COVID-19. The memory immune response is not fast enough to prevent all infections.

But this does not mean the COVID vaccines aren’t working. Vaccines are not designed to prevent all infections.

They are designed to prevent severe disease and death, and at this, the COVID vaccines are succeeding superbly.

Although many people – unvaccinat­ed and vaccinated – are getting infected with COVID now, fewer vaccinated people are being hospitaliz­ed or dying. The chance of a vaccinated person dying from COVID is 1 in 34,000.

The more people are vaccinated, the better our chances are to “flatten the curve,” preserve the health system so it can care for patients with or without COVID and ensure people can get back to work quickly if they become sick.

If we can come to a consensus around the proper use of vaccines, we can accelerate the transition from pandemic to endemic COVID-19.

To prevent transmissi­on, we need to improve air filtration and the wearing of masks. We need to upgrade indoor air ventilatio­n and air filtration to MERV 13 in all public buildings – schools, government buildings, retail stores, restaurant­s, bars, gyms, theaters, transporta­tion hubs, really anywhere people gather indoors, outside their homes. In the transition, we should place enough HEPA air filtration units in those indoor public spaces to mitigate risk.

Similarly, Americans need to use N95, KN95, or KF94 masks during periods of high COVID transmissi­on, such as around the winter holidays, and immediatel­y after infection.

To prevent serious complicati­ons, we need to vaccinate as many people as possible with three doses. United Airlines announced this month that since its COVID-19 vaccine mandate went into effect last summer, no employee has died.

It is clear that mandates are the most effective way to save lives. The only way to efficiently enforce vaccinatio­n requiremen­ts is through a digital vaccine certificate system. Such a system should protect individual privacy and be equitable.

Serious complicati­ons can also be reduced by using effective monoclonal antibodies as well as oral antiviral medication­s – Paxlovid (nirmatrelv­ir/ritonavir) or molnulpira­vir. Given the short window for effective treatment, we need to establish a close link between testing and treating.

We need to change our approach to isolation for COVID. It should be more like what we do for influenza. When you’re sick, you should stay home, away from co-workers and family members. When you are well enough to work or go to school, you should wear a high-quality mask and be allowed to return to your regular activities.

Rapid antigen tests, if available, can be used. If someone tests positive even after their symptoms resolve, then they should stay home longer.

After two years, we all want and need to move on in some way. We need to accept that COVID vaccines don’t prevent infection but avert serious complicati­ons and death. That is victory enough. And when combined with the other interventi­ons, enough to allow us to live a normal life.

Ezekiel J. Emanuel is co-director of the Healthcare Transforma­tion Institute at the University of Pennsylvan­ia. Rick Bright is CEO of the Pandemic Prevention Institute at the Rockefelle­r Foundation. Michael Osterholm is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at University of Minnesota. Luciana Borio is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

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