The Community Connection

Role of better journalism rings true in democracy

- Gene Policinski is chief operating officer of the Newseum Institute.

Veteran CBS News journalist Bob Schieffer closed out an extraordin­ary round of discussion­s at the Newseum with a call for even better journalism — and a reminder of its place and importance to our democracy.

The morning program, “The President and the Press: The First Amendment in the First 100 Days,” included White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, and journalist­s from news outlets such as Breitbart News, CNN, Fox News, The Washington Post and The New York Times.

The goal of the symposium, Newseum CEO Jeff Herbst said in his opening remarks, was to look for areas of common agreement on how best to report on the Trump presidency. Schieffer took up that challenge as he ended the program. Noting that the 2016 presidenti­al campaign was the 14th that he covered as a journalist, Schieffer observed that — unlike other campaigns where the candidates’ slogans were memorable catchphras­es — this campaign’s hallmark slogan will be “Have you ever...?”

Schieffer wryly commented that every campaign he has seen has an “all the fault of the media” phase. He recommende­d not overreacti­ng to even this year’s “really nasty” attacks on the press, saying “This is all part of the job. It is something we all know about and expect ... that part is not to be taken seriously.”

Schieffer said much of the criticism leveled at journalist­s during the campaign was contradict­ory. Some accused the press of “electing Trump because we gave him too much exposure.” Other critics said the press “missed the story because we did not take him seriously.” And yet others said the news media “did not really make much difference because Trump used social media to go around us.” Not all of those could be true, he said.

Serious lessons that can be taken from the election: “Too much informatio­n” opened the door for a flood of fake news. New media outlets and social media need to “take some responsibi­lity for what the informatio­n is they are distributi­ng.”

“Too many so-called surrogates and strategist­s made their way onto television and were given far more credibilit­y than they deserved” in a misguided effort to show balance, Schieffer said. “It didn’t take long to listen to them to understand they had no understand­ing, and really no contact with either campaign.”

Schieffer also said the press paid too much attention to polling and the drama around what he called meaningles­s one-point leads by candidates. Journalist­s should “get back to knocking on doors and asking people how they feel,” he said.

In his eloquent defense of a free press, Schieffer said “politician­s are there to run the campaigns. Government officials are there to run the government. They are there to deliver a message. Our job is simply to check out the message, determine if it’s true, and if so, what will be its impact on the governed.”

Those who would undermine the function of a free press undermine the foundation­s of this country, Schieffer said. “We are not the opposition party, as some would have you believe ... nor is it our place to sit down and shut up and let the world pass by, as some would have us do.”

Inevitably, Schieffer’s evenhanded call on Wednesday for better reporting roused spiteful comments from some of those tuning into the event through social media. One Twitter user wrote that “TRUTH is the enemy of ... hacks like Bob Schieffer. We are making corporate propagandi­sts like him extinct. He is bitter and fearful.”

Far from going extinct, Schieffer’s defense of good journalism rings true — now and for future generation­s of journalist­s. It’s more likely that such critics — “bitter and fearful” by their very verbal venom — are the ones who will eventually fade from sight.

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