The Community Post

Bergman: From out of our past


Note: This column is created from the archives of the Minster Community Post by Minster Historical

100 Years Ago Feb. 23, 1923

Contracts let for erection and equipment of the new bank building – New Bremen man gets the big job, while Minsterite­s fair pretty well. The directors of the Minster State bank are now all set to begin the work on their new bank building.

Rev. a. Paluszak accompanie­d by teacher A.H. Knapke motor to Rhine Sunday afternoon to attend the close of Forty Hours devotion in the Catholic church of that community.

The Auglaize Cooperage company is finding it to be hard lines for them to continue their business on its present enlarged scale because of the scarcity of timber in this locality and they have decided to dispose of their plant providing they can find a buyer.

The Star Beverage company has installed a new machine that has a reputation for doing economical things in connection with the operation of such an enterprise. The new contrivanc­e is called a “Water softener” and its duty is to so temper the water the water that is coursed through the pipes in the plant.

75 Years Ago Feb. 20, 1948

Minster Young Farmers are Active in YFA – Paul Bensman was elected to serve on the committee for the 1949 state convention held at the Ohio State Univ. Elmer Riethman was a member of the panel group. He spoke of young farmers’ relations with the farm Bureau in Jackson township. Othmar Osterloh missed a committee election by a single vote. Daryl Sharp, Minster high school is the vo-ag instructor and advisor for the Minster YFA.

Luke Beckman, St. Henry, head of the Minster Canning company and president of the Ohio Canners’ associatio­n, has been appointed to the board of consultant­s of farm labor which group will convene at the US Employment Service offices in Washington DC.

St. Augustine’s church was filled to capacity with many persons standing for the close of Forty Hours’ Devotion Sunday evening for which 40 members of the clergy were present. Rev. Edward Summe of McCartyvil­le was celebrant for the closing services.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Otting are parents of an eight-pound daughter, Mary Katherine, born recently at Otis Hospital, Celina. Mother and baby are well.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmieder are parents of a nine-pound daughter, Mary Darlene, born at Gibbons hospital, Celina, Ohio. Mother and Baby are well.

50 Years Ago Feb. 22, 1973

Under New Management – Bob Prenger is the new owner of the Minster Implement Inc., purchased from Herb and Lawrence Schmiesing and Norb Overman. The Implement was started in 1944 by Henry Schmiesing and Sons which was then located in the old Dues building (now owned by Minster Machine)

Minster Defeats St. Joe for Championsh­ip – In regular season play, Minster’s Junior High was defeated only one time, by two points at the hands of St. Joe, so when they met again in the finals of the Junior High Tournament, It was expected to be a close contest.

Armstrong Museum Offers Visitors A “Trip Through Space” Space hero Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon, is one of Wapakoneta’s favorite sons. The Neal Armstrong Aerospace Museum recalls the historic moon mission and stands as a tribute to its namesake all the Ohioans who have played a major role in man’s conquest of space.

2000 to 2007 Newspaper recently added to Minster Historical Society Website.

Please go online and read Recent Additions.

Feb. 17, 2000

Minster Looks toward new water treatment facility.

Cotterman & Company is given award by Firestone Building Products.

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