The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

Ozanam Inn Men’s Emergency Shelter

- Tom Louderback, Louisville, 40205 Ben Harris, PhD, Louisville, 40207

Dave Calzi’s commentary on Nov. 26th about the new 24/7 admissions policy at Ozanam Inn Men’s Emergency Shelter is surely welcome news to many. More flexibilit­y in providing safe places for our homeless neighbors appears to be what we need most.

We see more people in our public spaces than ever before and wonder why. Some haven’t found vacancies in emergency shelters that are fully occupied. This much is obvious.

But, others are resisting the shelters for a number of reasons. Some are intimidate­d by what they perceive as bureaucrac­y at the shelters. Some don’t want to be separated from their families and friends. Some don’t want to be separated from their pets. So, they’d rather take their chances with the weather outdoors than check into a shelter.

Persuading these holdouts to go to the shelters is a big challenge. I suppose we could arrest them for vagrancy and lodge them in our overcrowde­d jail. Does anyone really want to do that?

Personally, I think the best thing we can do for the holdouts would be to open some small scattered site campground­s designed especially for their situations.

What’s the deal with AI in schools?

Is anyone else thinking about the future of AI in schools? Calculator­s were against the rules at a time when ‘you were supposed to know the math.’ Is AI this generation’s version of that, where they’re gonna be as integrated as the smartphone? It’s becoming more likely that this is going to be the case because young people, and some adults, are already using it for one reason or another.

We should think about how to use AI to our advantage because, well, we may not have a choice soon.

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Consider how we can use AI to benefit us in classrooms. It can help teachers be more innovative with lesson planning, or help students with project ideas. If other industries are moving towards that direction,

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