The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

Newly designed Sunday newspaper showcases some of our best work

- Mary Irby-Jones Editor

When the team responsibl­e for the concept and vision for Project BluePrint introduced the initiative to me at a meeting earlier this year, I was excited about the focus on redesignin­g our Sunday newspaper.

The promise of highly designed pages that showcase some of our best photos and stories and a more intuitive page flow was on full display in this first redesigned edition last Sunday. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

I heard from a lot of longtime readers who shared their thoughts and offered feedback about the first new Sunday edition. Thank you for taking the time to write me. I really appreciate how much you care about our newspaper. If you have not heard back from me, please know that I will respond.

Here’s a summary of what you will see in this week’s edition:

Our cover story is an in-depth look at the loss of Kentucky farmland to housing and business developmen­t. Environmen­tal reporter Connor Giffin interviews farmers about the challenges of maintainin­g their family farms.

Today’s newspaper also spotlights columnist Joseph Gerth, who has worked at the Courier Journal for more than 35 years. I have dubbed Joe our community connector and conversati­on starter because of his ability to distill complex — and sometimes controvers­ial — issues into thought-provoking columns. Learn more about Joe in this week’s journalist spotlight.

Then read about how a Louisville woman drafted a curriculum decades ago for girls in our city who wanted to learn more about their bodies and how it has become an internatio­nal program used in three dozen countries.

Today’s paper also includes the story behind how a local couple created canned bourbon drinks and started their own company last year.

Do you remember the 1981 sewer explosions? The history feature this week recounts the event that, according to reports, destroyed more than two miles of streets in Louisville.

In today’s sports section, we also tell you how University of Louisville Basketball Coach Jeff Brohm’s first year at Louisville stacks up against his peers coaching at their alma maters.

Mary Irby-Jones is the editor of the Courier Journal and the USA Today Midwest Regional Editor. She can be reached at Follow her on X @mirbyj .

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