The Daily Press

CD of A sponsoring documentar­y showing on March 6 at ECCHS

- By Becky Polaski Staff Writer

Patrick Petyon was an Irish immigrant who came to America in 1927 with dreams of selling real estate. Instead, he ended up entering the priesthood. Eventually becoming known as “The Rosary Priest,” Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., died in 1992 and is currently in the process of being considered for sainthood. His life is the basis for the documentar­y “Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton,” which the local Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CD of A) Court 95 is sponsoring being shown in the Elk County Catholic High School auditorium on Sunday, March 6 at 1:30 p.m.

Local CD of A member Mary Ellen Frank shared that she first learned about the documentar­y while reading an article in the magazine, “SHARE,” which is published quarterly by Catholic Daughters of the Americas.

“As a member, everyone receives the magazine,” Frank said.

After learning about Father Patrick Peyton’s story through the magazine article, Frank said that the CD of A knew that it was something they wanted to share with the community.

“The CD of A wanted to bring this program to St. Marys because it is our responsibi­lity as members to share our faith with others and help them realize the importance of prayer and the rosary, especially in our world today,” Frank said.

Frank noted that there will also be local speakers at the March 6 event.

“There will be three local speakers: Aaron Pfoutz, Bonnie Housler, and Brett Herzing,” Frank said.

Frank encouraged anyone interested in seeing the documentar­y to consider attending, citing Father Patrick Petyon’s well known quote that “the family that prays together stays together.”

“If you are looking for a way to come closer to God and bring peace and comfort to your family, this is the place to be,” Frank said.

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