The Daily Press

Government officials speak out on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine


Gov. Wolf condemns Russian attack on Ukraine

HARRISBURG Governor Tom Wolf issued the following statement on the Russian attack on Ukraine: “I stand with President Biden in condemning the unprovoked and unjustifie­d Russian military invasion of the independen­t country of Ukraine. This attack on a peaceful country is shocking and its impacts will be far reaching. “I urge democratic leaders across the globe to unite and respond decisively to this unjustifie­d and unlawful attack. “Frances and I pray for the people of Ukraine, as well as the Pennsylvan­ians who have loved ones living in Ukraine.”

Thompson issues statement on Russian invasion of Ukraine

BELLEFONTE – U.S. Representa­tive Glenn “GT” Thompson released the following statement on the situation in Ukraine: “Vladimir Putin is responsibl­e for an unwarrante­d and unprompted unilateral attack upon Ukraine, which is the most significan­t infringeme­nt between two states since World War II. Unanswered, these actions will only further embolden dictators like Putin and other regimes around the world. America and our allies in Europe must stand strong against forces that look to destabiliz­e long-standing peace and respond with swift economic sanctions.”

Toomey calls for tougher sanctions on Russia

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Banking Committee Ranking Member Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) released the following statement calling on the Biden administra­tion to impose tougher sanctions on Russia. “While the sanctions announced today are a small step in the right direction, I fear they will be inadequate to deter Putin from further aggression. By failing to impose significan­t sanctions on the Russian oil and gas industry, which accounts for the majority of all Russian exports, the administra­tion is intentiona­lly leaving the biggest industry in Russia’s economy virtually untouched. The sanctions imposed on Russian banks, while welcome, may not isolate the Russian financial system from internatio­nal activity. That’s why the U.S. should impose crippling sanctions on Russia’s oil and gas sector and Iran-style secondary sanctions on Russian banks that force the world to choose between doing business with Russia or the United States.” “Meanwhile, it’s imperative that the U.S. step up its efforts to aid and equip Ukrainian freedom fighters. This includes supplying them with weapons, logistics support, and intelligen­ce. Now is the time for the U.S. and our allies to send a strong message to the world: We stand with the Ukrainian people.”

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