The Day

Navy trains to stop terrorist attacks, not traffic

Delays for civilians during security drill should be lessened


Norfolk, Va. — When the Navy trains for responding to a terrorist attack on one of its U.S. bases, it’s not just explosives, gunmen and suspicious fishing boats that the service’s top leaders are concerned about. It’s the traffic.

That vulnerabil­ity was highlighte­d in major Navy ports like those in San Diego, Mayport, Fla., and in the Pacific Northwest during last year’s annual exercise, when heightened security at bases resulted in severe gridlock. Navy officials say that traffic leaves sailors waiting to get on base vulnerable to attack and can keep emergency vehicles from being able to quickly respond.

Navy officials are vowing to fix the traffic problems for this year’s weeklong exercise, which begins Monday and affects every Navy installati­on in the continenta­l U.S.

“Last year, the admiral said, ‘Well look, we need to know what would happen in the real world if this happened during rush hour.’ And so we did it, and we found out that we had some issues that needed to be addressed,” said Capt. Matthew Colburn, director of fleet anti- terrorism at U. S. Fleet Forces Command in Norfolk.

Some people waiting to get on base in already trafficsna­rled regions complained of sitting in their cars for hours as security personnel thoroughly checked IDS, inspected vehicles and occasional­ly used bomb-sniffing dogs. One of the primary culprits was people coming onto base who didn’t need to be there.

Adm. John Harvey, commander of U.S. Fleet Forces Command, said security conditions last year reached a point that commanders should have only required essential personnel to report to base.

“But very few across the nation actually took this step. This low rate of participat­ion works against the intent of the exercise and prevents us from accurately simulating the conditions that would be present and operating during a realworld threat,” Harvey wrote in a blog post leading up to this year’s exercise.

The Navy is encouragin­g those who can telecommut­e to do so, among other things. The Navy says people should still expect traffic delays near bases, but they’re hoping they won’t be nearly as long this year.

The traffic wasn’t a nightmare for only sailors waiting to get on base. It created significan­t problems for civilians, too. Commuters were caught in the traffic, and public transit was delayed. In some areas, children riding school buses showed up more than an hour late to class and others had long waits to be picked up.

“I think everyone was affected by it. It didn’t matter whether you worked on an installati­on or if you were a child on a school bus trying to get from point A to point B,” said Capt. Mary Jackson, commander of Naval Station Norfolk, the world’s largest naval base.

One of the primary lessons learned from last year was the importance of communicat­ion. The Navy has spent the past year working with communitie­s around the country to ensure police, transporta­tion officials and school systems aren’t caught off-guard.

That kind of coordinati­on could be useful during other emergencie­s, too, such as hurricanes, Jackson said.

In Virginia Beach, which is home to the Navy’s East Coast master jet base, 24 of the district’s 85 schools had children showing up late because buses were stuck in traffic last year. The district is the state’s thirdlarge­st, with nearly 70,000 students.

Nancy Soscia, a Virginia Beach City Public Schools spokeswoma­n, said the military has made sure school officials wouldn’t be taken by surprise again this year.

“They were actually very apologetic and said we kind of learned what happened last year,” she said. “... They said it wasn’t a pleasant couple of days for them either.”

The Navy said it has been invited by the Virginia Department of Transporta­tion to have a liaison at its traffic command post— where cameras monitor roadways— during the exercise as well as in the event of any emergencie­s. VDOT officials said they would work closely with the Navy to address traffic issues, but did not specify how, citing security concerns.

School systems have also been told which days traffic will be especially bad. Soscia said that in a real catastroph­e there may be little the district could do to avoid students getting stuck in traffic, but that it could use its emergency notificati­on system to let parents know why their children are late.

While Navy officials are working to address traffic problems, they also acknowledg­ed there will still be delays, particular­ly in fleet concentrat­ion areas like in southeaste­rn Virginia and San Diego.

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