The Day

Pause during holiday to thank those who made it possible


Would you please remind your many readers that the greatest gift we can give to America’s fallen is the gift of remembranc­e? The legacy of those who have died for our freedom -- from the Revolution­ary War to the present -- is something that strengthen­s and unites Americans. I would like every child to say, “I know why I am free, and I know who died for my freedom.”

Since 1997, Major League Baseball has stopped all games in progress at 3 p.m. on Memorial Day to observe the National Moment of Remembranc­e. The umpire steps out from home plate, removes his mask, and halts the game so that everyone can pause. The crowd rises as one with hands over their hearts. Along with MLB, the Ironworker­s, Sheet Metal Workers and firefighte­rs unions, American Veterans Center, the National Cartoonist­s Society and Bugles Across America observe the Moment, too.

The Moment does not replace traditiona­l Memorial Day events. It is not an “event” but an act of conscience. Throughout our history, and especially during the past decade, servicemen and women in foreign lands have been dying almost daily to protect freedom and liberty.

We encourage all citizens to make every day Memorial Day in their hearts, but especially on Memorial Day itself. May the love of country always bond Americans together. For all of the fallen, let us continue to make this nation one great American family in spirit. To learn more, please go to www.ngl. org. — Carmella Laspada, founder, No Greater Love

DEAR CARMELLA: I’m printing your reminder in advance of Memorial Day so that readers can plan ahead for it. I know many of them will be interested in observing it.

Readers, wherever you are at 3 p.m. local time on Monday, May 28, won’t you join me in pausing for the National Moment of Remembranc­e and honoring those brave individual­s who died for us? And when you do, make a commitment to give back to our country in their memory by putting your remembranc­e into action.

My parents were married 25 years. When Dad died last year, Mom was devastated. Then she got in touch with an old flame. She told us they were just friends. A few months later, she informed us she was moving across the country with him for a “mutually beneficial situation.” He gives her a place to stay, and she takes care of his house and the bills. She called recently to tell me that she has loved him since she was young and they are now getting married.

I’m worried because she has jumped into this so quickly. When they marry, Dad will have been gone not quite a year. I feel she is showing lack of respect for my father’s memory and their marriage by doing this so soon. Should I be worried about her, or just happy she has found “love” again?

While the man your mother is marrying is a stranger to you, he is obviously no stranger to her. They have a history that pre-dates your father. Going on with her life is not disrespect­ful to your father’s memory. Be happy for your mother and cross your fingers that everything works out for her the way she wishes. Worrying about her will help neither of you. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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