The Day

Sometimes racism is in the eye of beholder


Time for me to set the record straight. Gerald Drury’s letter, “No racial profiling for any reason,” (July 14), amounts to calling the kettle black. It is obvious he doesn’t like Donald Trump. I can’t begin to tell you how many letters Drury has penned against the tribe wanting to gain more land under annexation and the tribes Foxwoods casino. This doesn’t make Drury any more racist than Trump saying “they don’t look like Indians to me.”

Trump is our best hope to “bring back America,” and slow all the giveaway social programs that continue to grow.

Hillary Clinton has contribute­d greatly to the widening gap between the races as she plays the race card. Anything for a vote! Hillary has compromise­d the defense of this country on her private computer emails.

Getting back to the Mashantuck­et Tribe, I have lived alongside them most of my life. I am separated from the reservatio­n by a stone wall in my backyard and the casino by about three miles of trees and the Great Cedar Swamp. I couldn’t ask for better neighbors.

So my last words, “What’s a racist suppose to look like?” Harold T. Moreash Ledyard

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