The Day

White House expecting Justice crackdown on legalized pot


Washington — The Justice Department will step up enforcemen­t of federal law against recreation­al marijuana, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Thursday, offering the Trump administra­tion’s strongest indication to date of a looming crackdown on the drug, even as a majority of Americans believe it should be legal.

“I do believe you’ll see greater enforcemen­t of it,” Spicer said in response to a question during a news conference. But he offered no details about what such enforcemen­t would entail. President Donald Trump does not oppose medical marijuana, he added, but “that’s very different than recreation­al use, which is something the Department of Justice will be further looking into.”

A renewed focus on recreation­al marijuana in states that have legalized pot would present a departure from the Trump administra­tion’s statements in favor of states’ rights. A day earlier, the administra­tion announced that the issue of transgende­r student bathroom access was best left to states and local communitie­s to decide.

Enforcemen­t also would shift away from marijuana policy under the Obama administra­tion, which said in a 2013 memo that it would not intervene in state’s marijuana laws as long as they keep the drug from crossing state lines and away from children and drug cartels. But the memo carried no force of law and could be rewritten by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who has consistent­ly said he opposes legal marijuana but has not indicated what he might do.

Eight states and Washington, D.C., have legalized marijuana for recreation­al use. The Justice Department has several options available should it decide to enforce the law, including filing lawsuits on the grounds that state laws regulating pot are unconstitu­tional because they are pre-empted by federal law. Enforcemen­t could also be as simple as directing U.S. attorneys to send letters to recreation­al marijuana businesses letting them know they are breaking the law.

Eight states and Washington, D.C., have legalized marijuana for recreation­al use.

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