The Day

Cold-brew coffee is a hot trend, and you can make it yourself


If summer’s heat has left you feeling bitter and over-extracted, think cold-brew, as in cold-brewed coffee. Fans say coldbrew is less bitter than coffee that has been subjected to heat. While there are gadgets for producing cold-brew, you can make it with no special equipment. This technique is so low-tech that anyone with running water can enjoy it. The facts: Cold brew has a lower acidity level. Since boiling water is not running the show, the grounds are not the subject of heat, and therefore the chemical profile of the brew is different. The difference is lower acid and a smoother cup of Joe. The taste difference is noticeably sweeter, no matter what your coffee bean choice.

Caffeine is most soluble, and therefore extracts most easily, at high temperatur­e, but cold brewing uses a higher bean-to-liquid ratio and time as a friend, giving the final product a more concentrat­ed caffeine ratio. Just as with your favorite hot cup, temper your cold brew with cream to tone it down.

One of the best things about a cold brew for a cold drink is that you will not dilute your drink by icing a hot liquid. Use this simple trick to control your chilled beverage: Freeze cold-brew coffee in an ice cube tray and when making iced coffee drinks, use the frozen coffee cubes to help chill, avoiding the proverbial meltdown of the libation. If you dare, add cream or flavoring to the cold brew cubes for a special kind of melting fun.

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