The Day

Riddle me this



Riddle: A man falls out of a jet airplane without a parachute. How does he survive?

“Ed not only takes my money in penny games,” Cy the Cynic sighed, “he speaks in riddles about it.”

Ed, the club expert, was today’s North, and Cy was declarer at five clubs. At the second trick, Cy tried the trump finesse. East won and led a diamond, and West got two diamonds. Down one.

“You had a chance to make six and a chance to make four,” Ed said enigmatica­lly, “but little chance to make five.” What did he mean? OVERCALL

West had the K-Q of spades. He surely had the ace of diamonds or king of clubs for his vulnerable overcall, but since he hadn’t opened the bidding, he couldn’t have both.

At Trick Two Cy must lead a trump to the ace. If West has the king (a finesse would have won), Cy will be safe since East will have the ace of diamonds. Cy must guard against the bare king of trumps with East, the ace of diamonds with West.

Riddle answer: The plane was at the gate. DAILY QUESTION opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: You have a close decision. Your fifth card in spades will be a winner, and your jack of diamonds is supported by the ace. Four spades will have a chance if partner holds a sound minimum such as A J 2, A Q 7 4 2, K 7 6, 8 6. Bid three spades and let him use his judgment. West dealer Both sides vulnerable

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