The Day


- — Richard Douglas — Yeah but on the bright side

This is how readers of reacted to news Thursday that a New London police officer had been suspended for punching a suspect after he was handcuffed and in custody on a charge of assault.

“We need more of these tough officers in New London.”

“I support officer Nott.”

“I am so sick of these criminals!! They break the laws over and over and get slaps on the wrists because our prisons are so full. Maybe if our legal system worked properly then these police officers wouldn't get so frustrated with the same low lives all of the time!”

— Waterford Res

“Observatio­n, when this first came out with the video, 2:1 comments felt she should be reprimande­d. Now it appears life long acquaintan­ces are commenting to the contrary. Funny. What's changed?”

— Live Here

“Live Here, I dunno. I saw the video. Personally, I would've liked to see her, as I mentioned, beat him senseless. I am sure, by his actions, that he would've had no compunctio­n about doing the same to her, if given the chance.”

— Longtime Mystic Resident

“She should know about cameras, this is not the first time, give her some community service sweeping up the streets in New London. Give her an orange jumpsuit and a broom and write on the back, ‘I was a bad police officer.'”

— Jake

“It was a flick, a little baby flick not a punch give us a break. Good luck officer Nott. Keep up the good work.”

— Bob A. Booey

“This is nothing more than a witch hunt. Officer Nott is one officer I want on the street protecting the city. She is at her best dealing with the many mentally ill citizens of New London.”

— MD68

“Civil rights violation=one week off work, pathetic.”

— Tatertots

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