The Day

Justices right, ed policy a legislativ­e function


P erhaps we missed it, but in all the coverage of the Connecticu­t Supreme Court’s controvers­ial ruling Wednesday that the state is meeting state constituti­onal requiremen­ts when it comes to public education, we did not find the constituti­onal language quoted.

So here it is: “There shall always be free public elementary and secondary schools in the state. The General Assembly shall implement this principle by appropriat­e legislatio­n.” That is all. For 13 years those 23 words have been the subject of one of the longest litigation­s in state history. It began in 2005 when a group of cities, struggling small towns, labor groups and educationa­l activists, calling themselves the Connecticu­t Coalition for Justice in Education Funding, filed a lawsuit against then Gov. M. Jodi Rell. They contended state government was not adhering to its constituti­onal mandate.

More precisely, the plaintiffs maintained large class-room sizes, a lack of materials and dismal student performanc­e in many poorer communitie­s proved the legislatur­e was falling short and had to be forced, by court order, to direct adequate resources to the challenge.

Dismissed by a lower court in 2007, then revived by the Supreme Court in 2010 and sent back to the Superior Court, the case resulted in a trial that stretched more than six months, with 50 witnesses and 826 exhibits. The result in September 2016 was one of the most extraordin­ary rulings in state judicial history and, in our continued opinion, a case of gross judicial overreach.

In his 90-page decision (254 including addendums) Judge Thomas Moukawsher ruled that Connecticu­t expended sufficient resources to exceed the minimal adequacy standards the Supreme Court had set for him when it sent the case back for a trial. Not surprising since, at $18,377 per pupil, Connecticu­t spends more on education than all but two others states, Alaska and New York.

But, continued Moukawsher, that’s not enough. To be constituti­onal, he concluded, the funding provided by the state “must at least be rational, sustainabl­e, and verifiable.” And it isn’t, he concluded. Wealthy towns get more money than needed while poorer communitie­s go begging.

To abide by those 23 words, the legislatur­e not only had to fix how it funds education, it had to make changes in special education, create better standards for promotion and graduation, tie teacher evaluation­s and compensati­on to student performanc­e and be smarter about school constructi­on, Moukawsher ruled.

The legislatur­e had to correct these shortcomin­gs and bring the plan back to him for his approval, he ordered, essentiall­y installing himself as education czar.

In its 4-3 ruling, the Supreme Court found, quite correctly, that Moukawsher far exceeded his judicial authority.

“Not only did the trial court fail to defer to the legislatur­e, it also usurped the legislativ­e responsibi­lity to determine how additional funding, beyond the constituti­onally required minimum, should be allocated and how to craft educationa­l policies that, in its view, best balance the wide variety of interests at issue. This action was in clear violation of separation of powers principles,” Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers wrote for the majority.

Moukawsher, “upon finding that the schools were minimally adequate … should have concluded that the state’s educationa­l system was constituti­onal,” the majority ruled.

“It is not the function of the courts … to create educationa­l policy or attempt by judicial fiat to eliminate all of the societal deficienci­es that continue to frustrate the state’s educationa­l efforts,” wrote Rogers.

The chief justice is right. It is not the role of the courts to fix this. It is the job of the people’s elected representa­tives.

Incredibly, after 13 years, three of the justices wanted to return the matter to the lower courts for yet more litigation.

In its bipartisan budget passed last year, the General Assembly changed the formulas for providing state aid to schools, committing to a shift in funding over the coming decade from affluent communitie­s to impoverish­ed ones.

The legislatur­e should not use this decision as an excuse to shirk its responsibi­lity to direct educationa­l resources to where there is the greatest need. The challenge of closing the gap between student performanc­e in the state’s urban centers and its poor communitie­s, as compared to the more prosperous suburbs, remains.

If their representa­tives retreat from this challenge, voters should hold them accountabl­e. That is how representa­tive democracy works.

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