The Day

Desperate hours

- By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

As I’ve reported, the Bermuda Bowl final at the 2017 World Championsh­ips — United States vs. France — was desperatel­y close. The U.S. won by just two IMPs, and any of the 128 deals could have reversed the outcome.

In today’s deal, North for France bulled his way into six clubs after extracting a club bid from South. North’s first double was for takeout; his second and third suggested great strength and put the burden on South to do something intelligen­t.


West led a diamond, and declarer won, cashed the ace of hearts and led the ace and a second trump, losing to West’s king. South could ruff the next diamond in dummy, reach his hand with a trump and lead a spade. When West’s king appeared, South claimed for plus 1,370.

It would have been asking a lot for the U.S. North-South pair to duplicate that result, and indeed, after the French East opened his hand (!) with an artificial preempt, North-South had a mix-up and didn’t even reach game. France gained 15 IMPs.


You hold: ♠ J 8 7 5 ♥ 10 8 5 4 3 ♦ Q 2 ♣ J 9. Your partner opens two clubs (strong, artificial), you respond two diamonds (negative or waiting), and he bids two spades. What do you say?


Bid four spades. This is a textbook action. You show spade support but deny any side-suit control: an ace, king, void or singleton. Your bid discourage­s slam, but if all partner needs from you is a spade fit, he can go on. East dealer N-S vulnerable

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