The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Staying alert

- By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

“Nobody was at fault, but the accident wouldn’t have happened if the other driver had been alert.” — from a motorist’s report filed with the insurance adjuster.

Look at the defense, or the lack thereof, today and decide whether anyone was at fault. Against three hearts, West led the king of spades, and East signaled with the jack. West mulled and shifted ... to the jack of clubs. South swiftly took three high clubs to pitch a spade and next led a trump. He lost a trump, another spade and a diamond, making three. ACE OF TRUMPS

“At least I didn’t continue with the ace and a third spade, making you ruff with your ace of trumps,” West told East. “Maybe you should signal low on the first spade.”

East-West had an accident. Whose fault?

West wasn’t alert. Clearly, he must find East with an ace. If East has the ace of clubs, the contract will always fail. But if East has the ace of trumps, West needs to lead a trump at Trick Two, lest declarer get a fast discard on dummy’s clubs. DAILY QUESTION today’s deal opened one club with this hand. Do you agree with that action?

ANSWER: Many players would open with less, as per the modern tendency. The hand does contain two defensive tricks, but it lacks playing tricks, and the diamond honors aren’t carrying their weight because there are no long cards in the suit for them to set up. I would not open. North dealer Neither side vulnerable

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