The Day

Man uses security cameras to spy on stay-at-home wife


DEAR ABBY: I'm a stayat-home mom with three children — all in school. We recently had security cameras installed around our house. However, my husband has taken to using them to monitor everything I do throughout the day. He will say things like, "What took so long to go to the dry cleaner?" or, "Why did you go outside at 11 a.m.?" I feel like a prisoner in my home! What should I do?

— NO PRIVACY IN THE EAST 30-year-old woman living in Los Angeles. A close friend just had a baby. I'm planning to visit her, but she is demanding that before I do I get vaccinated (the Tdap). I didn't think much of it, but another friend thinks that's a tall order. She says why can't I just wash my hands and use hand sanitizer like everyone else? Do you think this is an appropriat­e request, or is my other friend overreacti­ng?


DEAR OLD SCHOOL: The Tdap vaccine is important because it protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). It is usually given only once in a person's lifetime, with booster shots every 10 years. Unless otherwise indicated by a health care profession­al, everyone over the age of 19 who has never received this vaccine should have it.

Yes, I do think the mother's request is appropriat­e, and your other friend is overreacti­ng. If you prefer not to do it, you always have the option of waiting to visit until after the baby begins the DTaP series of vaccinatio­ns.

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