The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Simple Saturday


“Simple Saturday” columns focus on improving basic technique and developing logical thinking.

Today’s North-South have two possible trump suits: a 4-4 spade fit and a 6-3 heart fit. Six spades has no chance as the cards lie. If you played at six hearts, could you make it? West leads the jack of diamonds: queen, king, ace.

If trumps break 2-2, you are safe. If they break 3-1, you must set up dummy’s long clubs to take care of your low spades. Since you will need entries to dummy, don’t try to draw trumps. Lead a club to the ace and ruff a club. Then take the K-A of trumps.


When West shows out, pitch a spade on the king of clubs and ruff a club. Ruff a diamond and throw your last low spade on the good fifth club.

Choosing from more than one possible trump suit is hard even for expert pairs. A 4-4 fit often produces an extra trick with a ruff in either hand, but here North-South have another source of tricks, and the weakness of their 4-4 fit is fatal.


You hold: ♠ AK 6 4 ♥ K 9 8 6 3 2 ♦ A3 ♣ 5. You open one heart, your partner responds two diamonds, you rebid two hearts and he jumps to four diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s secondroun­d jump is forcing; after he responded at the two level, a rebid of three diamonds would have been mildly encouragin­g. Bid 4NT, Blackwood, intending to bid six or seven diamonds unless partner has no aces. His hand may be 5 3, A 4, K Q J 9 7 5 2, A 6. North dealer Both sides vulnerable

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