The Day

Open student aid to immigrants


As a science teacher in East Hartford, I urge our legislator­s to support HB5031, a bill equalizing access to student-generated institutio­nal aid in Connecticu­t public colleges and universiti­es for all of Connecticu­t’s students, regardless of immigratio­n status.

The CREC magnet school system was created as a result of the Sheff vs. O’Neill case in 1996, to provide equal access to education for all children in the Hartford area. I know that we are still working to provide equal opportunit­ies to all children, regardless of their ZIP codes.

Numerous families at my school are immigrant families, and our immigrant students are afforded no fewer opportunit­ies to succeed.

Why should they not have the same opportunit­ies in higher education? It is unfair to allow some students access to institutio­nal aid while excluding others, especially when undocument­ed students pay into the institutio­nal aid pool just as documented students do.

Legislator­s should support equal access to institutio­nal aid, because undocument­ed students contribute significan­tly to our schools, communitie­s, and economy.

Education is the seed that helps to solve other societal problems. All students should have equal access to student-generated institutio­nal financial aid. Claire Hamel Ledyard

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