The Day

No lack of spending on education

- The Journal Inquirer

Two years ago school officials from Connecticu­t’s distressed cities and impoverish­ed rural and mill towns paraded through the courtroom of Judge Thomas G. Moukawsher to testify about the horrible performanc­e of their students, attributin­g it to education’s lack of money.

It was the usual nonsense, school performanc­e being mainly a matter of demographi­cs and parenting. But at least the decision Moukawsher issued in the most recent and, it may be hoped, final school financing lawsuit noted that Connecticu­t’s education policy is only social promotion and that as a result high school diplomas are given to illiterate­s and do not necessaril­y mean anything.

In January the state Supreme Court acknowledg­ed Moukawsher’s findings but rejected his call to order the General Assembly and governor to devise a new school aid formula. The governor and legislatur­e remain free to handle the issue through the ordinary democratic process.

For two years this story filled Connecticu­t’s newspapers and airwaves. But last week Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Education Commission­er Dianna R. Wentzell acted as if they had missed it or thought everybody else had. For they congratula­ted themselves on another year of increase in the state’s high school graduation rate.

Was there any evidence that the increase signified more actual learning in Connecticu­t’s schools? The answer came the next day with the announceme­nt of the state’s latest results in the U.S. Education Department’s National Assessment of Educationa­l Progress, standardiz­ed tests given to fourth- and eighth-graders throughout the country. Connecticu­t’s score for 2017 was virtually the same as its score for 2016. With fourth-graders, only 43 percent were proficient in reading and only 40 percent were proficient in math. With eighth-graders, only 44 percent were proficient in reading and only 36 percent were proficient in math.

That is, more than half of Connecticu­t’s students don’t read adequately and almost two-thirds can’t do math adequately. But that has been no obstacle to their graduation from high school, whereupon from year to year the governor and education commission­er have celebrated this ignorance, refusing to concede the supremacy of demographi­cs and parenting and to admit that school financing, on which Connecticu­t’s public policy has concentrat­ed for 40 years, is almost irrelevant.

The dramatic increase in educationa­l spending in Connecticu­t during this time has produced great gains in income for educators but none in education itself. Indeed, in Connecticu­t education long has been just a pretext for enriching the government class.

If mere graduation rates rather than learning are what counts, Connecticu­t could accomplish just as much educationa­lly and save billions of dollars by distributi­ng high school diplomas with birth certificat­es, dropping the expensive pretense.

Even so there still may be some hope for the state. While hardly a day goes by without the governor’s noisily striking some politicall­y correct pose about illegal immigrants, ethnic diversity, gun control, climate change, transgende­rism, and such, his posturing has not improved his standing politicall­y. He is reported to be the most unpopular governor in the country. His own party can’t wait to nominate someone else for governor.

It seems that most people may be more concerned about the basic responsibi­lities of state government, responsibi­lities the governor has neglected so badly, starting with simple solvency and competence, which he seems to find politicall­y incorrect.

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