The Day

Daily Bridge Club

There and back again

- By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

“It was a case of ‘deja moo,’” a club player who had been today’s East told me, “as in, ‘I’ve heard this bull before.’”

Some players have the unfortunat­e tendency to heap criticism on partners, but even well intended lessons at the table are dangerous. I can recall times when I was sure my partner had erred — and I said so — only to conclude after reflection that his play was correct.

West had led his singleton heart against five diamonds, and East won and continued with a high heart. Declarer ruffed high, took the A-K of clubs, led his deuce of trumps to dummy’s seven, ruffed a club, led the eight of trumps to the nine and ruffed dummy’s last club.

Declarer then drew trumps and led the king of spades. West had to win and return a spade, and South let it ride to his ten and claimed his game.

“My partner was unhappy,” East told me, “and as usual, he took it out on me. He asked me if I thought he had bid spades so I could lead more hearts.”

West must have thought a spade shift at Trick Two would beat five diamonds, but he was wrong. South could put up the king, and West would win and shift to a trump. South could win, take the top clubs, lead a trump to dummy and ruff a club. South could then run his trumps. At the end, West would be squeezed. He couldn’t keep a high club to beat dummy’s eight and also guard his jack of spades.

In my experience, few players are good enough to tell others how they should play bridge. Even fewer can do so in the emotional atmosphere of the table. East dealer N-S vulnerable

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