The Day

Women must always be believed? That’s injustice

- The Journal Inquirer

A rguing recently for the repeal of Connecticu­t’s statute of limitation­s for sex offenses, Laura Cordes, executive director of the Connecticu­t Alliance to End Sexual Violence, declared, “Justice should not have an expiration date.”

But justice often does have an expiration date, and not because of statutes of limitation­s but rather because as time passes evidence inevitably is lost, memories fade, and witnesses die or disappear, making it impossible to mount a complete and effective prosecutio­n or defense.

Connecticu­t’s current statute of limitation­s for sex offenses is five years, but who can prove his whereabout­s and conduct for the whole of a day even a month ago? The timeliness of evidence is especially crucial with sexual offense charges because they often are mainly matters of contradict­ory witness testimony, matters of credibilit­y that can’t be verified.

But the clamor for repeal of statutes of limitation­s in regard to sex offenses does not arise from the unfairness of time but rather from the reluctance of accusers to come forward. Women, it is declared, simply must be believed — which is more or less what the mobs that lynched black men in the South used to say, though as a matter of justice no one should be believed without due process of law, a review of the evidence, and cross-examinatio­n.

Unfortunat­ely, because of recent cases involving famous men, these days every publicized accusation of sexual misconduct is automatica­lly believed by nearly everyone. Statutes of limitation­s may prevent prosecutio­n and conviction of some accused people, but as a practical matter with sex offenses a mere accusation is now enough to destroy anyone’s reputation and livelihood, which can be just as damaging as a criminal conviction.

If justice rather than political correctnes­s is the objective, justice in sex offenses requires not the repeal of statutes of limitation but diligent and timely accusation­s. Repealing statutes of limitation­s will only encourage victims of sexual offenses to delay acting on them while evidence is still at hand, memories are still fresh, witnesses are still available, and justice is still possible. That is, repealing statutes of limitation­s would be the opposite of justice.

Another liberal activist

With barely a critical question, the General Assembly rushed to approve Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s nomination of Associate Justice Richard A. Robinson for chief justice of the state Supreme Court, a dramatic contrast with the controvers­y that faced the governor’s first nominee for chief justice, Associate Justice Andrew J. McDonald.

The complaint against McDonald was that in his five years on the court he has been a “liberal activist,” eager to rewrite the state Constituti­on, as well as a crony of the governor and a Democratic partisan — a little too much of a crony and partisan to be put in charge of both the Supreme Court and Connecticu­t’s judicial administra­tion. That’s why McDonald’s nomination got through the state House of Representa­tives by only one vote and why he was defeated by three votes in the Senate, most of the opposition coming from Republican­s but the crucial margin being provided by fellow Democrats.

While Robinson is not a crony or political partisan, it is hard to distinguis­h his judicial philosophy from McDonald’s, and so he may be expected to try to constituti­onalize liberal ideology just as much as McDonald had already begun to do.

As much as the Republican­s may have enjoyed slapping the governor and McDonald here, restoring political balance to the Supreme Court will require years of effort. They have barely begun.

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