The Day

Imperfect, but at least it’s a plan

- Paul Choiniere is the editorial page editor. PAUL CHOINIERE

Last week’s column and prior editorials have referenced the gap between the bumper-sticker rhetoric of the campaign and the complexity of the challenges the incoming governor will face. Chief among them is closing the projected $4.6 billion deficit in the first two-year budget plan that the new governor will have to prepare for the legislatur­e.

That sparked a call from the campaign of David Stemerman, petitionin­g to be one of several Republican­s seeking the party’s nomination in the Aug. 14 primary. Stemerman, in a nearly hour-long phone interview, said he has plenty of ideas.

And, indeed, he does, providing detailed policy positions on his campaign website, davidsteme­

Subjected to scrutiny, some of these ideas appear only half-baked. They sound good, but come up short. Yet at least this businessma­n turned politician recognizes that fixing the budget problem is critical to restoring economic growth and is offering a plan.

Stemerman recognizes the threat posed by the state’s grossly underfunde­d pension system. He proposes creating a massive trust fund, privately managed and protected from legislativ­e meddling, which could be used to provide lump sum buy outs to close out some of the oldest and most costly pensions, stopping their year-to-year drain on the budget.

He didn’t, however, provide an estimate for how much money Connecticu­t would have to bond to create the fund. It would have to be a lot.

The would-be governor is also calculatin­g that he can trim labor costs and long-term obligation­s by getting state workers to provide concession­s and tie their compensati­on, in part, to the state’s economic performanc­e.

The problem is that a contract extension is in place, securing benefits through 2027, protection extended to the unions by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and the Democratic-controlled legislatur­e in return for earlier concession­s. Stemerman said he will make the case that promised benefits cannot be delivered without more adjustment­s, which makes bargaining in the best interest of state workers.

The unions probably won’t see it that way.

“There is no way that our state will be able to survive the upcoming fiscal crisis unless and until we renegotiat­e those contracts. It is in everyone’s best interest to resolve this in a negotiated fashion,” he said.

But if that approach fails, Stemerman contends the governor would have the power to adjust benefits to protect the state.

“If we need to act unilateral­ly in order to save our state from a financial crisis and an economic meltdown, as governor it will be my responsibi­lity to do so,” he told me.

It is questionab­le whether the courts would agree.

Stemerman said he is invested in the state. The success of his hedge fund company, Conatus Capital, would allow him to move anywhere, but Stemerman said he and his wife, raising five children, have chosen to settle in Connecticu­t.

To update the state’s outdated and poorly maintained transporta­tion infrastruc­ture, Stemerman wants to turn to the private sector to invest in highways, airports and revitalizi­ng and expanding the commuter rail system. But private investors need a return. On highways that would seemingly come from tolls, something Stemerman says he opposes, along with all the Republican gubernator­ial candidates. And train systems are almost universall­y dependent on government subsidies.

To spur economic growth, Stemerman would lower the income tax rates and push for a more business friendly regulatory environmen­t. But plans for making up the resulting revenue loss are sketchier.

Convention­al political wisdom is keep it simple. Detailed policies provide more opportunit­ies for opponents to attack. But Connecticu­t needs more than simple solutions, so give Stemerman credit for developing a plan voters can evaluate.

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