The Day



ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don't let emotional manipulati­on rule you. Follow what you feel is the best route for yourself, regardless of what anyone else is trying to coax you to do. Trust in yourself and what you feel comfortabl­e doing. 5 stars TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Alter your life for the right reason. Don't let anger or stubbornne­ss cause you to walk away from one situation and into another. You are better off sitting tight, observing and seeing what develops before making a decision. 3 stars GEMINI ( May 21-June 20): Pick up the pace and take an active role in making a difference to your surroundin­gs. Moving things around or changing your routine to better fit your lifestyle will help you accomplish more and feel better about future prospects. 3 stars CANCER (June 21-July 22): Avoid loss by limiting your investment­s. If you follow someone else, you'll have regrets. Channel your energy into whatever benefits you most. A challenge should be looked at carefully. Don't take on more than you can afford or handle. 3 stars LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Pamper yourself. Make plans with your kids, your lover or a colleague who shares your favorite pastimes. You'll have a tendency to overdo it, so set guidelines regarding costs before you head out. Preparatio­n will be essential. 5 stars VIRGO ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22): Find out the truth before making a decision. Acting prematurel­y will result in emotional stress. Nurture important relationsh­ips and plan your day carefully. Having a plan in place will help you avoid being led astray by someone trying to manipulate you. 2 stars LIBRA ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22): Don't stop when you should be moving forward and taking care of business. Someone will complain if you aren't specific about your duties or what your expectatio­ns are. Cover every angle and put more effort into everything you do. 4 stars SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Let your creative imaginatio­n run wild. You will discover something about yourself that will help you draw a line between desire and indulgence. Choose your battles wisely and concentrat­e on discipline and steady progress. 3 stars SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Look back and consider your mistakes as well as your victories. You will find a way to cut out the negativity in your life that is a constant deterrent to reaching your goals. A change will do you good. 3 stars CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19): See past any negativity you are facing; strive to put what you want to achieve in place. A change will do you good as long as it's within the limits of what's acceptable. Play to win, but do so fairly. 3 stars AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Get involved in something that moves you. Being a part of something you believe in will help you overcome the daily temptation­s that lead you down difficult paths. Physical and emotional health and fitness should be your preference­s. 4 stars PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Don't let your emotions get in the way of a good thing. Not getting along with the people you need in your life will lead to disappoint­ment. Find a way to make whatever situation you face work for everyone involved. 2 stars

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