The Day

Welch-Collins ready to represent 38th District


On Tuesday, Democrats in Waterford and Montville will select their candidate for 38th District state representa­tive from a slate of three earnest young men. While all three are comparable in their outreach efforts and desire to serve, only Baird Welch-Collins has the critical knowledge of both local and state issues, as well as a sincere interest in the ideas and concerns of his potential constituen­ts.

I gained a unique understand­ing of Baird’s approach to public service over the past four years, while working as opposing campaign manager and serving as colleagues on the RTM. He is responsive to constituen­ts, truly informed on issues, and open to compromise when it will best serve the needs of the town.

As for the state legislatur­e, he intends to work closely with the 15-member southeaste­rn Connecticu­t delegation so that we can regain a strong voice in the competitio­n between big cities and small towns.

Baird has shown his dedication to this area through years of community service, elected office, and initiative­s to get local youth interested in town issues and public service. He is the best choice on primary day and will prove to be the responsibl­e and receptive legislator in Hartford we deserve to have once again. Susan Driscoll Waterford RTM Waterford

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