The Day



This is what some readers of had to say about the Aug. 7 story, “Immigrant advocacy group forms in New London.”

“Illegals… call ICE.”

—Ledyard Conservati­ve

“I guess my question is WHY are we more concerned about illegal aliens than we are about our own American Citizens, Homeless Veterans, homeless and hungry children. Can one of you liberals please help me understand?”


“If you're so concerned about homeless vets then take one in to your home. Isn't that the same thing you say we should do about immigrants? Don't get me wrong, I'm not uncaring about homeless veterans but some people would have us believe that they're out there under every bridge. Yes, there are some down on their luck vets out there but there's also a lot of aid out there for vets as well, they just need to apply and likely stay clean for it.”


“You need to have the right documents to live in United States plain and simple.”


“For a minute, I put myself in their shoes, how hard it must be to move far away from family like this. How scary it can be being separated like that. Then I think to myself, that's the risk they knew about.”


“Go home, try again, legally, like my grandparen­ts did.”


“I wish you all the best if your entry into the US is done in accordance with our laws. If you do not recognize the laws of our nation then may your return to your point of entry be swift.”

—Longtime Mystic Resident

“Wow! United without borders, that’s bold. This is the liberal agenda. Open borders?! Well, there goes America, if this happens, you might want to think of a name change now.”


“It’s a political strategy to grow the roles of indigent voters that have to vote for Democrats while the party moves on to a progressiv­e social agenda that never solves the issues of the poor.”

—Brian Thomas

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