The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Cy the gold medalist


If the “Conclusion Jump” were an Olympic event, Cy the Cynic would be a lock for the gold medal. Cy habitually seizes on the first line of play he sees.

“Saves wear and tear on the brain,” Cy says with a shrug.

Cy was declarer at today’s four hearts. North’s raise to two hearts was heavy; if his king of clubs had been the ace, he would have been worth a limit raise to three hearts. West led a spade: three, jack, ace. The Cynic drew trumps and let the queen of diamonds ride. East took the king and returned a spade, and West won and shifted to a club.


Cy mulled over what to play from dummy — and East said, “Guess this one.” He took two clubs for down one.

Cy jumped to the conclusion that the diamond finesse would win. He should have been worried about what might happen if it lost. Cy is safe unless West gets back in to lead a club through dummy, hence Cy must let East’s jack win the first spade. The correct play may cost an overtrick or two but safeguards the contract.


passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: The proper response is two clubs. Since you have the strength for several bids, show your suits in the logical order: longest first. If partner rebids two hearts, as is likely, you can continue with an economical bid of two spades. If you held K J 5 2, 8 7, 5 4, A J 9 8 7, to respond one spade to look for a major-suit fit would be correct. South dealer E-W vulnerable ©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

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