The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Choice of end plays

- By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

When I kibitzed today’s deal in a penny game, Cy the Cynic was South. He rolled into slam with his rock-crusher of a hand — and went down.

“I don’t think you took the best percentage play,” I remarked.

“Don’t mention percentage­s,” Cy growled. “I’m not good at only three things, and math is both of them.”

At six spades, Cy won the first heart with the ace and took the A-K of trumps. When West discarded, the Cynic continued with the king of hearts, ace of clubs and ace of diamonds. He then exited with a trump. Alas, East got out with his last diamond, and Cy lost a finesse to West’s queen.


Cy was on the right track — his play would work if East had the queen of diamonds and in a few other cases — but he tried for the wrong end play. His best chance is to cash the A-K of diamonds before he exits with a trump.

Since East has no more diamonds, he must lead a heart or a club, and Cy reaches dummy to pitch his last two diamonds on dummy’s winners.


You hold: ♠ 432 ♥ Q863 ♦ 10 7 5 2 ♣ K 3. Your partner opens two clubs (strong, artificial), you respond two diamonds, he bids two hearts and you raise to three hearts. Partner next bids four clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: You couldn’t have had less strength to bid three hearts, but to sign off now would be wrong. Your king in partner’s second suit may be vital. Cue-bid five clubs. He may hold 6, A K J 7 5 4, A K, A Q 10 4. South dealer N-S vulnerable

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