The Day



This is what readers of theday. com had to say about John Knudsen’s letter to the editor, “Coming election could avoid dark future,” which warned of a “descent toward fascism.”

“Republican leaders, who have not stood up to Trump, have enabled him.” — Virginia McCormack

“I suggest you worry more about the enablers of corruption in Washington, not we Trump ‘enablers.’. Stop the name calling.” — Muffin Austin

“Thank you, John Knudsen. Well said. This election asks us to restore the honesty, morality, ethics, and integrity of our democracy at all levels of government.” — Lucira Jane Nebelung

“Lucira, you think the only way to do that is to elect Democrats. Don't deny it; your posts make this obvious. They are no better, less affluent, less greedy than the Republican­s you generalize about constantly. You are sadly mistaken … they are no better, pretty much the same.” — Cynthia Baril

“A great letter. And Cynthia, it's not that Democrats are perfect. Not at all. But right at the moment they're the only vehicle to put an end to Trumpism.” — Gary Burfoot

“Guys get over yourselves. The republic stands strong. The apocalypti­c language is overwrough­t. ‘Rapid descent into fascism?’ Really? And ‘our last chance’? Calm down, get a grip, the people will speak again in a month.” — Robert Clarke

“The Sky is not falling, actually the opposite. Try shying away from those bias media sources.” — Scott Aument

“No alternativ­e facts in this letter. Remarkably cogent and concise are its points, its contention that we are at the crossroads of democracy and fascism is not in the least out of joint, nor is its plea for bipartisan anti-authoritar­ianism devoid of …common sense.” — Bud Bray

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