The Day

Thursday, August 1, 2019 Daily Bridge Club

Snow-white play


Statistics indicate that six out of seven dwarfs are not happy. But today’s East-West certainly were after South found a way to go down at 3NT.

South wasn’t bashful in the bidding. He could have downgraded his hand and opened 1NT since most of his points were marooned in two doubletons. At 3NT, South took the king of spades and led a club: deuce, king, nine. He continued with dummy’s jack, but East showed out.

West took the ace and led a second spade. South won and couldn’t run the clubs, When he finessed in diamonds, East produced the king and led his last spade. Down two. LOW CLUB

North was grumpy. He said that South’s play was sleepy if not utterly dopey. After dummy’s king of clubs wins, South must lead a heart to his king and return a second low club toward dummy. If West wins, South has nine tricks: four clubs, two hearts, two spades and a diamond.

If instead West ducks the second club, dummy wins. Then South attacks the diamonds to set up nine sure tricks. DAILY QUESTION You hold :♠ Q J 10853♥4 ♦ 84 ♣ A 10 8 2. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade, he bids two diamonds and you rebid two spades. Partner then bids 2NT. What do you say?

ANSWER: This case is close. Your partner has about 17 points — he couldn’t try for game with fewer — probably with 1-5-4-3 distributi­on. Since your spades are almost solid and you have a side ace, jump to four spades. You will have a chance if partner holds 9, AK 765, A J 63, K Q 5. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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