The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Inaccurate play


“We dispense with accuracy.” — slogan on a marquee outside an apothecary

Inaccurate play isn’t always punished — sometimes the bridge gods are merciful — but it was in today’s deal. Against 3NT, West led a low spade: six, ten, jack. Declarer knew that West sat behind him with the A-Q, and if East got in to return a spade, the contract might fail.

So South planned to attack the clubs to keep East from winning a trick if possible. Instead of finessing with the jack, South would take the K-A, guarding against a doubleton queen with East.


But when South took the king of clubs next, West played the queen. East was sure to get in with the fourth round of clubs, and down South went, losing four spades and a club.

South’s play was slightly off. He should lead a low club at Trick Two. When West plays the queen, dummy plays low, and South is safe for nine tricks. (If West is sly enough to play the queen when he holds Q-x, thus saving an overtrick, good for him.)


You hold: ♠ 76 ♥ A K 3 ♦ 7 6 5 ♣ A J 4 3 2. You open one club, your partner responds one spade, you bid 1NT and he jumps to three clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: The answer depends on your partnershi­p’s style. If partner’s jump-preference in your minor suit is invitation­al to game, pass. You have no extra strength. If instead his second bid is forcing, bid three hearts to suggest strength in that suit. Discuss system with your regular partner. South dealer N-S vulnerable

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