The Day



Here is what readers of had to say about the Oct. 9 story, “White House vows total halt to impeachmen­t probe cooperatio­n.”

“Throw him in jail.” — Gayle Brady

“(For) being the most innocent person in the world, this guy sure fights hard to prove he's probably not.” — J.L. Paradis

“Now we will see just what the current ‘Publicans stand for. Do they want a Democracy or a Fascist regime?” — Michael Donovan

“Maybe they should throw Robert Mueller in Jail along with some of his Cronies. Thru a TEXT MESSAGE from Rosenstein to Mueller, we have learned that Mueller Lied to Congress about Interviewi­ng for Comey Vacant Job with President Trump the day Before He become The Special Prosecutor. How about that WHOPPER of a LIE? DRAIN THE CRIMINAL SWAMP-NOW!!! Comey, McCabe, Page, Strzok, Ohr's, HRC, DNC, Steele, Rice, Brennan, Tar Mack Bill, Clapper …” — Carl Weber

“The civil war is here, there's just not firing yet. The dems will stack anything and everything to derail, obstruct, and overthrow a lawfully elected President. The Democratic Party is a threat to democracy.” — Rick O’Shea “The coup continues.” — Thomas Main

“You're gonna have to explain why a coup against an undemocrat­ically elected leader is something I should care about, Thomas.” — Justin Buell

“We now have a Constituti­onal crisis and are at real risk of devolving from democracy to despotism. As this occurs a sizable minority, having filled themselves with propaganda and conspiracy theories, cheer and applaud the slide to tyranny.” — Matthew Hiddeman

“DJT supporters are cheering on a dictatorsh­ip. We are either citizens who commit to and actively and publicly live by the Constituti­on or we are blatant traitors.” — Lucira Jane Nebelung

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