The Day

And another terrorist leader bites the dust


O nly extreme partisans intent on denying President Trump any credit for any success would be critical of the operation he ordered that resulted in the death of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. These extreme partisans include Speaker Nancy Pelosi who, while praising the “heroism” of the special unit that conducted the raid on al-Baghdadi’s location in Northern Syria, could not bring herself to say anything nice about the president. Instead, she said the House should have been notified in advance. Why? Does the House command troops? Pelosi lamented that Russia was informed, but that was because Russian weapons and troops were in areas over which American helicopter­s flew in order to reach their target.

Kudos to senator and presidenti­al candidate Amy Klobuchar, who said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that the president’s decision was a “good one.” She even acknowledg­ed without rancor that it could benefit him politicall­y.

In a Sunday morning appearance at the White House, the president reminded forgetful Americans of the type of organizati­on al-Baghdadi led. He recalled prisoners dressed in orange jumpsuits, who were shown on videos with knives at their throats and later beheaded. He also said, “Baghdadi was vicious and violent, and he died in a vicious and violent way — as a coward, running and crying.”

For much of the world this was a “Wizard of Oz” moment when the curtain is pulled back and the man behind it is not as frightenin­g as he appeared to be.

Some commentato­rs on various TV networks kept referring to al-Baghdadi’s “ideology.” His was more than an ideology. Communism is an ideology. Fascism is an ideology. What motivated al-Baghdadi and other ISIS fighters was religion. When one believes he is on “a mission from God,” to invoke a line from the film “The Blues Brothers,” there is little to stop him, other than death. Radical Islamists believe their death in fighting us “infidels” is a guaranteed ticket to Heaven. How does one deter that, other than by helping them punch their ticket?

Radical Islam is a virus. It is not contained within borders. It does not have a capital that can be bombed. That is why its evil nature must always be exposed and its goals thwarted. Yes, others will sign up and those currently ISIS members will likely be even more motivated by revenge. Still, others may see the cowardly behavior of al-Baghdadi and be motivated to either quit the organizati­on, or not join it in the first place.

Our troops deserve praise, as does the president for making this happen. There will be more terrorist leaders, but at least this one has bitten the dust.

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