The Day



What readers of thought of the story, “Trump draws boos when introduced to crowd at World Series.”

“They also would of BOOED Obama and Bush.”

— Paul Nunes

“Sad for our country.”

— Marian Austin

“Paul Nunes — wrong. They never booed Obama. Personally wish I’d been there. Lock him up!”

— J.L. Paridis

“The biggest crowd the most boos ever.” — Tom Donnee

“Every day he threatens their 6-figure paper shuffling useless Federal jobs so what do you expect?”

— Dan McCarthy

“I was taught at a young age never to boo. That includes at sporting events or even Presidents. And I don’t.”

— Thomas Moriarty

“Not crazy about either team. Now I hate their fans. How disrespect­ful to boo our president. Imagine how the rest of the world perceives us because of actions by idiots like this!”

— Barbara Birmingham

“Leftists shout-down and publicly harass politician­s with whom they disagree constantly, whether it’s Mitch McConnell or Sarah Sanders out at dinner with her children. People wearing MAGA hats get punched all the time by left-wing thugs...and then there’s Antifa.”

— Andrew Rogerson

“I take umbrage with your use of words. I don’t see politician­s ‘constantly’ being harassed. I have yet to see a person wearing a MAGA hat be punched and if you want to talk about Antifa, let’s also talk about white supremacis­ts.” — Carol Connell

“This Vitriol is what he created and promotes; anyone who protests has the right but risks being judged at a low bar level.”

— Michael Satti

“To be perfectly honest, I can‘t think of many politician­s who don’t deserve a chorus of boos.”

— Jack Bernhard

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