The Day

Oldest employee gets more night shifts than colleagues

- By Abigail Van Buren

DEAR ABBY: I work in a small office with five other people. Due to the nature of our business, we work various shifts throughout the day.

I am the oldest employee, and when it comes to our schedule, I feel discrimina­ted against. I usually get four night shifts and one day shift a week. Everyone else gets one night shift and the rest daytime shifts.

The lead technician is the one who arranges our schedule. If I ask her about it, she tells me she has no one else or some similar excuse when I know she easily can change things to make it more fair. I am not one of her “buddies,” probably because I'm at least 20 years older than the rest.

I just get very frustrated every time I see my new schedule. Even the part-time people get better hours than I do. Is this discrimina­tion?


DEAR WONDERING: Did wyou fill out a form listing your availabili­ty as open or flexible? If so, modify it. If you truly feel you are being discrimina­ted against because of your age, talk to your supervisor's boss about it. And if things are not made more equitable, consider reporting it to the Equal Employment Opportunit­y Commission (EEOC).

DEAR ABBY: I am asking for advice about our daughters-in-law. We have two sons whose wives want to spend every holiday with their parents, period. No alternatin­g holidays. This means my husband and I spend the holidays alone, then “get” to have a get-together at a date and time convenient for them.

I know our sons are partly at fault, but they are trying to keep peace in their lives. Any suggestion­s would be appreciate­d. One daughter-inlaw used the excuse that her grandfathe­r is 99 and may not be around forever, to which I replied that I'm 70 and NONE of us know how long we have.

We raised our daughter to respect her in-laws as well as us, and she alternates holidays. Please help with this, Abby.


DEAR MISSING OUT: This happens in many families. I wish I could wave a magic wand and turn your daughtersi­n-law into less-insensitiv­e, more-caring people, but I can't. Your sons are more than “partly” at fault for not insisting on fairness. Because they're not assertive, the most pragmatic suggestion I can offer is that you make plans of your own for the holidays that don't include them — the nicest your budget allows.

DEAR ABBY: Please do not reveal my location if you print this. I live in a small town and am part of a club that meets monthly. We are less than a dozen gals who discuss a book or politics. I know they all socialize with each other. With one exception, I have never been invited.

That said, we have different interests outside the club. They are smart, fun, loving women. However, I have felt that on more than one occasion, a comment was directed at me that I am not welcomed. I have been told, “Don't take it personally.” Should I? How do I address this?


DEAR HURT: This book club should not be your only social activity. Surely you have other interests, as these women do. If you felt a comment was made that caused you to feel unwelcome, the appropriat­e response would have been to say, “Would you please clarify that comment?” Or even, “My feelings are hurt. Why would you say that?”

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