The Day



Washington — The Justice Department moved Thursday to drop charges against President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a stunning reversal that prompted fresh accusation­s from law enforcemen­t and Democrats that the criminal justice system was caving to political pressure from the administra­tion.

The unraveling of Flynn’s guilty plea for lying to the FBI came after senior political appointees in the Justice Department determined prosecutor­s and agents erred egregiousl­y.

Washington — A unanimous Supreme Court on Thursday threw out the conviction­s of two political insiders involved in the “Bridgegate” scandal that ultimately derailed the 2016 president bid of their ally, then-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. The justices said there was evidence of deception, corruption and abuse of power in the political payback saga that involved four days of traffic jams on the world’s busiest motor-vehicle bridge, the George Washington Bridge spanning the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey. But “not every corrupt act by state or local officials is a federal crime,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the court. In the end, the justices concluded that the government had overreache­d in prosecutin­g Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni for their roles in the scheme. Kelly was a deputy chief of staff to Christie. Baroni was a top Christie appointee to the Port Authority, the bridge’s operator.

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